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Harold Halibut is an adventure game where everything is handmade. “Almost every object you see in the game exists in real life,” one of the game’s developers told me during an Xbox event at GDC yesterday. The demo I played felt like a streamlined take on standard point-and-click adventuring (with some worrisomely

The issue is that someone wasn’t keeping tabs on when their security certificate expired. A company has to renew them every 1-2 years from a 3rd party to certify that it is a secure connection from the source that is claiming to be providing the content. These are used all over the place on the Web. Unfortunately, its

I love the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs games. I’m not a huge Musk fan, but this definitely makes me like him more.

You’ll lose your job over that comment some day.

I’d love to see the actual drawing part. Inking is cool and all... it’s a fun and methodical part of the process... but its still basically tracing.

Totally weird. The N64 is the worst Nintendo home console IMO. Worst controller and worst library by far, Super Mario 64 and Blast Corps notwithstanding.

To all posting, take a couple minutes, follow the link in Jason’s article and add your name to the petition. Call your senators and congress stooges. Donate.

Actually I posted the wrong one, the most I’ve managed is 25 Goombas xD.

It virtually is

His first title, out later this week, is the result of a partnership with Pewdiepie, the YouTuber racist motherfucker who helped turn Goat Simulator into such a big deal in the first place.

Jason - Fixing steps 4 & 6 for you. Avoiding Tetris-disappointis.

Ah hah, thank you! It looks fantastic.

I’m going to be the wildcard and insist that the best record to own is ET narrated by Michael Jackson (with fold-out poster!) because it’s so uniquely bizarre that until I found it again at a thrift store I was CERTAIN it was a childhood fever dream.

I’m going to be the wildcard and insist that the best record to own is ET narrated by Michael Jackson (with fold-out

Led Zeppelin IV. My first vinyl, which I received from my brother many years ago when I was first starting my vinyl collection. It’s an all time classic and has the most amazing album cover to boot!

Led Zeppelin IV. My first vinyl, which I received from my brother many years ago when I was first starting my vinyl

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.

Pink Floyd- Dark side of the moon. No justification necessary really.

Since the primary purpose of the NES30 and SNES30 controllers is probably to use it with a real NES or SNES via the 8bitdo Retro Receiver, I’m kind of surprised that none of this was mentioned at all in the review...

I don’t care what someone does for their own private collection. A few making it out in the wild that are restored this way aren’t a big deal. If you own something, do whatever the hell you want with it.

Now playing

Before I read the entire comment I was instantly going to mention Clayfighter. That game has an ACTUAL song intro, and it’s kind of awesome :D