
Sega CD US is the only 100% collection I have. Was a huge fan of the system at launch and bought a huge chunk of titles when the prices of games started dropping at Toys R Us, K-B Toys, and Electronics Boutique. Joined eBay back in ‘97 and finished my collection from auctions.

The current prices of Sega CD titles are


The major problem with finishing a collection is that it becomes an obsession. The hunt becomes more valuable than the games themselves, and finding a good trade or deal makes for some amazing and lasting connections.

Pro tip for anyone who wants to play all Master System games on real hardware:

There is no talent, only a commitment to be talented.

Do you own it?

So you don’t own one but you’re dissatisfied. Got it.

It certainly isn’t as good as the far superior Sewer Shark.

I have actually found this a really fascinating question about Poppy. She’s not just a YouTuber, she’s an artist signed to Island records. The project is, at least on some level, a satire of the mainstream music industry. So... Is it a clever fuck you to the music industry that Titanic Sinclair is taking their money

That is a HUGE factor...Interscope blessed us with Limp Bizkit back in the day. Interesting to see this.

Except $10 is literally the total of what you can spend on the game. So... no?

She’s a keeper

*Comes home from a long work week, TGIFF, makes coffee, sits down to see this GIF*

And now I’m cleaning up coffee eeeeeeeeeverywhere. LOOOOOOL!

looks incredible.

Now playing

I thought I was getting sick of ‘80s-inspired retro-future aesthetics, but then I saw Narita Boy. Yeah, it goes back to a well that’s been tapped countless times, but it does so with style, playful weirdness, and cool dimension-hopping mechanics. It’s currently on Kickstarter.

I could make my own Cyriak art

See this is EXACTLY what Kotaku is good for and should do more often. Actually call out GAMING related companies and businesses that conduct shady business practices at the expense of their employees and gamers alike.