These people are insane!
These people are insane!
Yesterday on the day of Donald J. Trump’s inauguration, we wondered, where is everyone? Today, on the day of the…
you cannot mention Extra and not to post the video clip, because Akira it’s awesome :-)
Track: N/A | Artist: Ken Ishii | Album: Live @ Nintendo Switch Presentation
Bomberman was Call of Duty decades before Call of Duty was a thing.
Hi, I’m the designer of the Volta V. I’d love to help clear this up, building a wooden chassis that will last a long time out of high quality wood takes a lot of steps. First we source the premium grade wood from a renewable selectively-cut forest (not cheap), and the supplier laminates it in staves so it’s strong and…
“These hoo-ers keep getting kidnapped, Luigi Louis! That’s it, I’m gettin’ my gun! The Princess owes me 20 bucks, and I’ll be goddamned if I’m lettin’ that twenty slip away!”
Ah, so many hours spent playing Super Martin Bros. 3, Martin Party, Martin Kart... and who could forget Dino Island, Dino’s Cookie, and so on?
(Just jumping in since I happened to read your comment) Firstly, good luck to all your goals! While it is certainly a good plan to start working out, it would be good to have that noise in your ear checked out. It is a rarely occurs, but one sided whoosing ear noise can be caused by something called AVM (arteriovenous…
So we’re all in agreement here, 2017 is going to be the year that humanity invents a time machine, right?
most younger (relatively speaking) folks don’t lose track of where their vehicle is headed to the extent that they plow through a building out of the blue
I don’t care how a third of those movies are, or how good two of the remaining six are, they are not worth $70 for digital copies.
I don’t care how a third of those movies are, or how good two of the remaining six are, they are not worth $70 for…
Think the niche genre you’re lookin for is called “Dark Wave”.
Other great stuff in it... Sisters of Mercy are a particular fave of mine. Their album Floodland is some great stuff. The Bahaus are just legendary... but most of their stuff is too firmly in Goth turf or breaks from the synth-ladden aspect of New Wave to…
Just saw this:
Its a Journey. You start at a point and move towards the finish. Don’t stop believing! Keep moving, even though the wheel in the sky keeps on turning. If you are lucky and good you will be received with open arms at the end of your quest. You may meet others who accompany you on your travels. Sometimes they stick with…