
Me three

I’ve made a decent little side business out of transferring old media onto newer formats, cleaning up quality here and there. It allows people to share these moment later and not have to worry about the invariable degradation of older formats.

I just bought an EverDrive 64 v-3 from krikzz less than a year ago, and I’ll be damned if outside of a dozen games this is one of the worst Nintendo libraries ever on a system. This is coming from a guy who LOVES retro and modern games, having systems from the Vectrex to the PS4. I can overlook technical limitations,

Done. Thanks!

Done. Thanks!

Are those INSTRUMENTS being played? Where’s the DAT? Where’s the automagical auto-tuning?

Now playing

“Archibald’s Adventure” is a great title that gets overlooked a lot. Easy grade in difficulty, getting more complex as you learn the mechanics. It’s constantly throwing new ideas at you, and when it’s done, you have to utilize them all.

WOW! Investigative journalism! I’m glad to see this is still a viable way of getting the news, and not total reliance on AP feeds and what others are posting about.

I noticed that too in the vid.

.... and the cow goes “moo” ...

beat me to it

“Invisible Hours”just came out for PSVR.

... bears the taint of Weinstein’s involvement.

“some book” ... heh

Of course it is!! I literally just bought it last night, only to see this article this morning.

This is one of the worst tasting jerky products out there. Free isn’t cheap enough to grab this garbage.

This is one of the worst tasting jerky products out there. Free isn’t cheap enough to grab this garbage.

DAAHHH! This is awesome, and would be a great addition to my VR collection, but I just bought the HD remastered versions a few weeks ago! What to do ...

I just grabbed one a few days ago ... it is completely worth the money!

I just grabbed one a few days ago ... it is completely worth the money!