lemon lyman

Negative. Kerry Washington is a horrible, horrible actor. And they steal a lot of the plot lines from the West Wing. The West Wing, obviously, did it better.

Oh thank God. And thank you, Jezebel, for not sharing the news although Gawker broke the news blackout. Richard Engel is such a great reporter, and it's so obvious that he puts his entire life into reporting both sides of every story. If the captors knew anything about him, they probably let him live because they know

ME TOO! I helped too. ; )

Oh, Kristen could never be mad at her Uncle Jon.

Ouch! My skin gets irritated from a q-tip.

LOL oooooooooh tweens. Just. Ugh.

How do you clean it? It's so hard to get in there. :(

Agreed! She's a horrible, horrible actor. Taraji would have been excellent. Anybody, really, would have been better.

Who's paying so much for quinoa? I like it because it's so damn cheap.

Agreed. I have a circle of best friends, and they are my foundation. I don't care if other people think being 26 and having best friends is childish, we've been best friends since childhood. Makes sense to me!

This is so frustrating! McCain and Graham just wanted somebody to blame, so they picked her. It is definitely a case of shooting the messenger, and I think they know it. Ugh, I really hope it's not John Kerry!

How one eats at a restaurant and how one eats at home on a regular basis are two different things. Eating nachos at a restaurant does not a habit make. Give the guy a break.

Beyonce appears to have prematurely blue herself.

Nah. She just prematurely blue herself.

He wrote in his book that he and Terry got married because their son, for some reason, really wanted them to. So the family drove up to Canada and they got married.


Most store security is allowed to use 'reasonable force' to detain shoplifters, and each store has its own policy on how far outside the doors security is allowed to pursue. Also, each state has its own laws on how shoplifters are to be criminally and civilly charged.

Different stores have different policies. At most places loss prevention is allowed to use 'necessary force' to apprehend a shoplifter, and there are rules about how far they can pursue.