lemon lyman

You're only punishing yourself. Dial M For Murder is magnificent. Grace Kelly is a goddess. He may have been a horrible human, but Hitchcock remains one of the most brilliant directors of all time.

He may have ruined her career, but he also made it. Nobody knew who she was before The Birds.

Agreed. It's getting a little bit better though. TV is, at least.

Well, it's a movie so, in my opinion, of course it's fantasy. I'm of the opinion that there should always be room for people of color.

Why not? It's fantasy. Baz Luhrman's Romeo & Juliet featured people of color.

It's lacking in Robert Redford, however I can't wait to see it. Just wish there were more people of color (i.e. at least one, come on).


Agreed, she's kind of terrible. As is the red headed lady, who always has a creepy smile on her face. I keep watching because I support what they're trying to do.

I don't know about the other shows, but The Office, Parks and Rec and Community all have black characters alongside the South Asian characters.

She was still billed as a guest star by season finale, so I'm guessing she's not staying on. Bummer because her character was definitely my favorite part of this season.

Toby Ziegler Toby Ziegler Toby Ziegler Toby Ziegler!!! Is it on the air yet?

Licensed to Ill was released 26 years ago, how can they be sued for it now?

No. I waited like a year before getting my third shot, and my dr. said it was fine to get the third. I think the three months is ideal, but not mandatory.

pie is gross!!

Looks like Gangi the sequel.

She probably already does.

Oh, I was mostly speaking about her jewelry, handbags and accessories, I haven't seen a lot of her clothing line.

I think I know why Betsey Johnson is bankrupt. Her merchandise is designed for people who aren't old enough to buy it for themselves, and there's no way a parent is buying that crap for their child. It's ugly and way overpriced. Should've listened to Steve Madden.


Maybe one day Hollywood will realize that the movie theater won't collapse if there's a cast of people of color and white people in the same movie.