Or why she wouldn't want to date Richard Schiff! Rawr...
Or why she wouldn't want to date Richard Schiff! Rawr...
Clearly throwing flour on people is not an affective way of attracting attention to the anti-fur campaign, as I had no idea that was why she was floured until I read the comments.
to you.
Can you imagine being in a car when drunk&high Lindsay Lohan gets in (from out of nowhere, of course) and starts driving all erratically. I would freak the hell out!!
Toby Ziegler, be still my beating heart. Yeah, this is already my new favorite show!
Okay, I officially hate it when people end sentences with: good times, good times.
I thought that too, until I read your comment.
I've never even really thought about how it is a company can sell clothes for so cheap, but I will admit that I am one of those people who can never bring myself to pay over $20 for, really, any item of clothing. But I don't think being made in the USA should necessarily make the clothes more expensive. Look at Tommy…
I hate to admit this, but I never even thought about the factories that my clothes are made in. I guess I just thought people that made clothes in India or Bangladesh were paid a fair wage, after the Nike controversy so long ago. I wish more companies would make their products in the USA and pay their workers fair…
What about copper IUDs?
Since I'm not planning on eating my $2 Forever 21 necklaces, I think I will feel safe to continue wearing them. There are chemicals in everything.
Well he's a prominent member of the media that covers pop culture, and she was very, very recently featured in a story about controversy at the Super Bowl. Of course he knows who she is. If he doesn't he's not very good at his job.
I am going through this phase right now. What sources did you go to? I just watched the original Frost/Nixon interviews. They made me feel incredibly sad for him.
I start a group training for a half marathon on Sunday. I'm so excited but also scared. Aaaah!!!
Most indie music festivals are sponsored by large cooperations: Sasquatch, City Arts and the Capitol Hill Block party, to name a few in Seattle, are all sponsored by Toyota, Budwiser, Miller Lite etc.
Lupe is definitely one of the most feminist-friendly rappers I've ever come across. (And I have all three of his records memorized). He even has a song in which he talks about how much he hates the word bitch, and how a lot of people use it because they hear it in catchy songs, but don't realize it's true meaning.
Heeeeeyyyy there, I get it!
I was waiting for that!