Uh oh, whoops! The guy who kept parking in my spot drove a truck with his phone number on the side, so I would call him and say, "Move your car!"
Uh oh, whoops! The guy who kept parking in my spot drove a truck with his phone number on the side, so I would call him and say, "Move your car!"
Yeah, I would otherwise have to park on the street but my neighbor informed me that another neighbor moved out so I could take her old spot. It just makes me mad, because there's a sign that says residents only violators will be towed.
Somebody parked in my assigned spot, so I left an angry note taped to their windshield telling them a) they need to read signs before they park their car in a lot and b) next time I am calling the tow company that is listed on said sign. Too far? I almost did call the towing company, but I found an open spot.
I think it's because some of the commenters feel the need to personalize every article. Every time there's an article about race the comment threads blow up with white girls calling all the people of color racists, because they can't grasp the concept that sometimes it's just not about you.
I always remember the article about black men that exclusively date white women, and all the commentator who responded with, "Well I'm a white woman dating a black man, so this can never be true!"
Siiiigh, The Philadelphia Story is my favorite movie ever!!! I want to marry Jimmy Stewart.
So, do they dig the bodies up and submerge them in a hot tub? That's kind of gross.
haha well I particularly enjoy smelling like an old woman's purse.
I was thinking the same thing. I liked the dress in the closeup first picture, but when they showed it at full length it was just too much.
When my lips get chapped I get out my extra large jar of Carmex and it's cleared up within a day or two. It is not addictive in any way.
I love Frasier!!!
This is so weird, I had a dream last night that Paris HIlton was elected president. She defeated Obama, and I was really upset. I had no idea it was her birthday.
Maybe it's because they're one of the most widely known modeling platforms. I mean, Tyra Banks and Heidi Klum were angels. Everybody knows them because they plastered all over at the mall. I think they kind of bridge the gap between commercial, department store modeling and high fashion modeling.
I think I could watch them on repeat forever.
I've never seen Jersey Shore either, but it's just so funny I don't think it matters. I can't take credit for the find, though, someone posted it on another thread on Jezebel a few months ago.
If LMFAO and/or that horrible dancing gerbil song got nominated for a Grammy I would quit.
Jersey Shore gone Wilde is better.
Trying to promote here. Geeezee!
One of my facebook friends posted a status regarding this new regulation, but instead of saying that the government is mandating that Catholic employers provide insurance plans that include preventative coverage, he said the government is forcing Catholic hospitals to provide abortions. Then when I told him he was…