lemon lyman

You guys, that dog on the front page is one of the cutest dogs I've ever seen in my entire life. And I used to work at a dog daycare so I've seen a lot. I want a cute little Afghan puppy!

I always feel bad hearing about the animals adopted by the troops while stationed overseas and how sad it is when they have to leave. My coworker always tells me stories about a dog he had while stationed in Germany, and how he had to leave it at the base when he was done with his tour. Hopefully some other awesome

There is nothing wrong with somebody wanting to save an animal. Charity is charity and not one is better than another.

I recently bought You Can't Take it With You by Frank Capra starring Jean Arthur, Jimmy Stewart and Lionel Barrymore. It's hilarious. I also love the Philadelphia Story, It Happened One Night, The Trouble With Harry, Roman Holiday, Rope, Rear Window.... I could go on forever.

Oh I have that and I like it lots. Maybe I will drink it while reading a book before bed tonight. Mmm.

Hard to be seated when you got someone's hand up your ass.

Watch out, he's gonna eat it!

I half want it to be Gingrich because he's so entertaining, but half don't because I got so sick of his crazy rhetoric during the 90s. And I was a kid!! Romney, at least, is a little bit normal sauce.

What's that thing about people in glass houses? I'm more impressed that there's someone out there that doesn't know the president can't sign bills that haven't passed than that somebody thinks abortion is illegal.

Drew Barrymore, Angelica Houston. A 'grown up' Cinderella. It's wonderful!!

Excellent. I've loved it since I was about 12.

Someone give me a river to forage, a serpent to slay!

Agreed with quitface and also you should have one of those random people in your bed when he comes over.

What about Jojoba oil??? I usually put cocoa butter on my face at night (light, not oily moisturizer). But I recently bought Jojoba oil and it says it's good for the face at night as a moisturizer.

Yay! I love my eyebrow girl too, going to get them done on Monday. I hate waiting for them to grow out though.

"Nothing's final until you're dead, and even then I'm sure God negotiates."

Yeah, the taxidermy stuff was pretty gross. And I still don't know how I feel about the overall theme of the book. But, Life of Pi was sooooooo brilliant. I would like to see your Richard Parker tattoo.

Thank you.

Can you get one of those mouth guard things for sleeping at night at the drugstore just to see?

It was a little dull and heavy in the literary references. But it was good, and a quick read.