
No, hashtag pod goals.

Well, at least now there’s a solution to the whole “CEOs are grossly overpaid” situation: more women in executive roles!

“...we should be challenging them to champion diverse creators and story ideas instead of accepting the status quo...” Yes, but that’s not this show, which actually does challenge the status quo, and as others have pointed out, if they made this show unrealistic but not representative of the industry they’re

begs the question: Why choose that period then? What is SO interesting about that particular time that you need to set so many movies there.

Evidently a lot of people who are very concerned about how Silicon Valley represents women and minorities have never watched the show at all.

There was an entire subplot last season about that...

I’ve been in Tech for 20 years at some of the largest tech companies and I cannot count how many times I am the only woman in a room with 30+ men. I think SV is hilarious and plays with the stereotypes that we all recognize.

Hopefully every once and a while the show tries to point to how bizarro it is.

Agreed. As a woman in engineering and a fan of the show, they don’t hide the fact that there are few women in the business. They even have events where women are hired to be there, which is a real thing I’ve read about. They lampoon the dick-swinging dysfunctional culture quite often.

I’ve always seen the lack of diversity on the show as an implicit criticism of silicon valley culture. I think having a diverse cast despite the whiteness of the real silicon valley would serve to protect the very people they’re trying to mock.

WAY too many of these “Don’t be a fraidy cat of my gun” intimidater types don’t have the FIRST CLUE as to how to store or handle them safely.

It’s time for mandatory education before purchase, ‘cause these people just aren’t getting it done.

It is outrageous that this bill is even being suggested...where are the promoters of freedom? If I own a floral shop I should be able to refuse service for whatever reason I want. I wholeheartedly think it is stupid to deny gay weddings your service...but I agree that is your right and that right should be protected

I should clarify that the idea to put me into martial arts and teach me basic self-defense was spurned on by my being physically bullied by an older group of girls. They would come to my house and throw apples at my head until I went inside. Instead of calling their parents or trying to protect me, my parents told me

And as we’ve seen over and over in so many woman-centric arenas—sexual assault prevention foremost among them—the impulse to protect is very different from the impulse to ensure equity, and the two things, worked out in practice, are often exactly at odds.

OMG, do you believe that all burn survivors have the potential to be Freddy Krueger?

No, you’re not just picking on Hitler, you’re picking on everyone who has this condition.

Because it’s ableist and wrong. People with birth defects or prominent scarring or whatever have enough shit to deal with. It’s not right to make fun of disabilities.

vangoghsear brings up an interesting point though, and it’s one I struggle with myself. Since feminism/common human decency/anti-bullying sentiment is moving us in the direction of not making fun of a person for how they look, or how their body functions, why is it suddenly okay when the person in question is a bad

But it is an important principle! If we say we are body positive except for using it as a weapon against people we disagree with, then this movement is no more right than any other in the world! People only use these kind of insults against people they don’t like anyway. If we do it too, then we are in no way better