
I don’t see a problem with that if it would add authenticity, it’s overtly stating it in the casting call that gets you into trouble. Never announce when you’re discriminating.

Oh Jesus, it’s a barely passable ai search engine not a goddamned psychiatrist. The thing cant hold a proper conversation on ANY topic. Being bothered by this is like being mad at your toaster for not knowing just how you like it

Oh my god he looks like Derek jeter

Has anyone considered that it might be partly because of over-saturation? Gender bias is definitely a factor but when the labor supply increases in general, regardless of who makes up new entrants, wages are gonna drop.

If you’ve ever watched the show you’re aware that the fictional firm it’s based around actually employs more female employees than most tech firms of its size would. One of the main characters is Indian and a recurring character is east Asian. So you’re correct in pointing out that the show doesn’t go well out of its

Quite the conclusion to jump to...

Conservative:bad. Liberal:good. Unless being nice to conservative, then liberal bad. Friend of enemy is enemy. Im still waiting for jezebel to surprise me just once on the way you guys spin things.

“It’s easier for a girl to get a date than a guy” Well no frikken shit! This is a solid contender for least newsworthy thing ever. Every guy knows that even if he aims down (regarding looks) he’s likely to get rejected a few times before sweeng any success. That’s why we swing high, its easy to brush off being

See that kind of precaution is totally sensible and I think a lot of people would be happy to meet in the middle there, more education, more regulation, but nothing approaching a total ban. People twnd to polarize these issues into false dichotomies of sorts where the only options are rampant unregulated gun use and

My favourite thing is the fact that this is being covered on a feminist blog without anyone even noticing its irrelevance. Being a feminist does not equal being a vegan/pacifist/large government advocate/proponent of high taxation. Not that coming to any of those conclusions in and of themselves are wrong—or even all

Yes. It’s a private company. Am I the only person who doesn’t equate domain over your own enterprise with lynching?

Honestly I support gay rights ferociously but I don’t see how this bill does. Even replacing gay with minority, woman, midget, white, man, or homo sapiens, people should have that right to be assholes, however ridiculous their opinions may be. Boycott someone for refusing gay people flowers, sure—and justly so, I’ll

There’s a bit more to it than being white, straight and male, though I will concede that that definitely helps. By no means does being a white male make things easy, I’d much rather be born into an industry dynasty like about half the young talent today (Olivia wilde, kate hudson, rashida jones...). And it doesn’t

Fuckin right.

It’s not just the parents taking aways the kids initiative though. It’s often giving the kid exactly what they ask for that’s the problem. Boys learn pretty fast that whining over a scraped knee won’t do them any good. Hugs and icecream actually condition a girl to continue to make a big deal of things


The main problem I have with this piece is the hypocrisy. If your gonna be nasty, be nasty, but don’t act the hypersensitive saint 99% of the time, only to rip on birth defects when it suits you. I can guarantee Joanna wouldn’t see the humor in a piece about ava braun’s fucked up vagina. In fact I’m positive she’d be

Maybe she felt she had nothing to add to the conversation. Actions almost always beat words in my opinion. It’s funny to me how we the public direct our anger at the people who are supporting each other “the worst.” Taylor Swift is at worst a smaller part of the solution than others—not really the bad guy. As a side

I would disagree with this on a few levels. Saying ethnic women are more attractive than white women is just the same as the reverse and it continues to limit women’s value to their appearances. And men are to blame as well, problems like this lie with society, not with one overtly bigoted group like “white women”.

I’d imagine, and certainly hope you’d have to be eligible to vote, which wouls make this an awesome idea. The skeptic in me initially worried it might have been another angle at allowing illegal immigrants to vote—which remains completely insane.