
My facebook feed is almost completely void of emoji and no one I text or message uses them. It is pretty easy to avoid them if your friend's know how to use words.

This is proof that humanity can be the stewards of the planet and that we can have a future. 1 person changes 1300 acres for the better with no "big" money behind him. How much carbon did he lock up in that forest? Climate change should be considered a minor problem that just needs the correct amount of reforestation

(I miraculously managed to find this image without being assaulted by pictures of constricted testicles)

People often feel limbs after losing them. It doesn't mean they're there.

What about girls who are taller than most guys? Can they control their height, to expand their dating pool by your standards? And I'm with the others laughing at your "woman can control their weight" statement.

I asked a guy out once and he told me I was too aggressive for him. I think threatened is a perfectly reasonable word.

Right. Heterosexual, cisgendered, happily married man in his 30's who definitely felt the, "Every girl's friend, no girl's boyfriend," shit in high school/college.

Perhaps you should ask Dr. Nerdlove how to stop yourself from reading them.

What's interesting is that while the attention span seems to have gotten longer, for some reason some forms of Internet information that are completely inefficient are still popular. YouTube video tutorials, and podcasts are my favorite examples - the average hour long podcast has about the same information in it as

But if it's the same website... then it's still old. Too bad you missed it.

So their idea of oppression is not having sex with them. They literally believe women's sexual agency is oppressive to men. At least they're honest I guess?

Fuck them? No. Not even with someone else's dick.

If one of the women they want actually reciprocated, they would no longer be interested. These guys are too wrapped up in their own victim-hood, bitterness and hate.

Yes. Many of these guys are perfectly functional (albeit sociopathic) members of society. Also, from the above transcript:

My sister had to sign hers in menstrual blood, and take her weekly turn at walking back and forth in front of the windows in her underwear carrying a sign saying "I WON'T FUCK YOU, VIRGIN, YOU SUCK." It was hard, but she did it for the sisterhood.

I didn't put this together when I first read through the article, but they really aren't "involuntary celibates", it's that they can't imagine sleeping with someone that isn't universally regarded as "attractive" (ie, photoshopped, posed, airbrushed, make-up-ed into the Uncanny Valley) and they then use that as an

Wanted to add, these same men who insist that women only want to date hunky alpha males with a thick wallet, will find pictures of beautiful women dating average guys or schlubs, and they will viciously and violently deny that it is real or at all possible. Elliot himself did that on a few occasions on the forums he

Women, argue PUAHaters, will only go out with good looking alpha males and would never look twice at anyone who isn't a musclebound dreamboat with a six-figure income, and most men will never be those things, and so the world is against them and life is unfair.

It's one thing to SUPPOSE there are people who think That Asshole (won't use his name) is a hero for his murders. It's HORRIFYING to read their praise and their tiny-minded ranting. Ick. They REALLY BELIEVE that 16 year old 'fit' female virgins are the highest attainable goal. O RLY? And that taking her by force is

Kinda-update: I went to check the room again this morning, and it's now password-protected.