
I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way, but this was very important for me to hear. I have a small son, and while I like to think I would never say anything like, "don't wear this or you'll get raped and it'll be your fault," it's also important to be cognisant of the messages we send to kids, even if

I'm so glad you got through all of that hell; it's not easy, I know that only too well. I went through an eerily similar experience myself which morphed into an abusive 'relationship' for a while (he told everyone - including me - that I was 'his girlfriend now', and I was too terrified of him to challenge or deny

theres a woman in my family who does this. she thinks that feminists are ignoring the 'real problem' which is that we hate 'masculinity'. she is a lover of masculinity and she thinks that women who dont like being catcalled just dont know how to take a compliment or dont have a sense of humour. she thinks women who

My father was a police officer and I ALWAYS wear pointy shoes.

I tried talking about this with a male friend, Jim, who I thought had many more feminist leanings than he apparently does. His response to #YesAllWomen was that over the years, he had had female housemates who also became good friends. None of these women, according to him, ever told him about any sexually aggressive

I'm not afraid of men, not at all. What I am very afraid of is a system that silences and punishes women when they are molested or assaulted. That's why the reaction some people have to #yesallwomen is scary. When they dismiss or attack #yesallwomen, they are promising that they will never help us when we need help.

So very much this. And the very second I let my guard down, the time I think "hey, maybe this is the guy who won't assault me" and he proves me wrong, it's my fault for "not knowing better".

When I was in college and topics about sexism and misogyny came up, male friends or SOs I knew would always say, "Pox, you sound so angry at men." And I used to get defensive and downplay my anger and tell them "I'm not angry at you." But now, my response is, "And? Why aren't you angry, too?" Reading about women being

Hey dude, I am so relieved you managed to make this about you.

What's also fun is not necessarily being disbelieved or completely discounted by folks around you - because there is a guy in jail for assaulting me while walking home - but being told that your anger and sadness over these issues all stems from that one personal incident and that you need to seek therapy and anger


Or even if you don't feel vulnerable, those guys won't let you take your turn in the weight room because they don't think you belong there. Or maybe some will... IF you're still in your makeup and contact lenses, or IF you first lose some arbitrary amount of weight, or IF you aren't in the old, ratty yoga pants that

Um...that makes no sense, because these stories are not about men asking women out and the women freaking out and running away. These are about men ASSAULTING women by grabbing and groping them, and/or verbally abusing and following women who have said "no". There really, really is a difference. Do you really read

Here's a hint, bro: if you think it appropriate to comment about being afraid to ask women out in response to us sharing our stories about men raping, groping, assaulting and harassing us .... maybe you really should stay away from women. Jesus Christ.

Dude, seriously?

As an older guy than you, a girl won't freak out and run away if you don't give them a reason to. The guy in her story was clearly a creepy asshole. That's not flirting, that's stalking and harassing. Be am indisputable gentleman and you'll never be shot down in flames. You WILL get rejected from time to time but

There's a difference between asking a girl out, and coming up behind a girl and grabbing her. And then calling her a name if she tells the guy no or get lost. I mean seriously, why do some guys think that's ok?

Really?! You don't know the difference between asking someone out politely and taking no for an answer and groping/harassing someone then assaulting her if she rejects you?

That's what you took away from this?

I know a woman who posted a throwback Thursday picture of her son before he was diagnosed with autism, and she captioned it, "before the vaccines stole his life from him." I asked my mom (who is friends with her in real life) if he REALLY totally changed or what, and my mom said it was pretty obvious well before the