
An interesting idea, but incomplete. After your obnoxious neighbors cross the mote, there are "dead zones" along the wall where you can't see them from your watch tower. The classic "star" fortress design eliminates this problem. Oh, and alligators, lots of alligators for the mote.

Why do grown men build model train or slot car setups in the basement? Because that's their hobby. This sounds like one of those situations in which the husband is spending most of his free time with his hobby and next to none with his wife. I got an ultimatum like that once so I grabbed my stuff and split.

I'll have what you're smoking. Joking. But seriously, I live in a pretty liberal part of California and there's no communists here. "Many"??? Don't think so. Not even close. I would wager that most Americans on both sides understand that if you work hard, you deserve what you get. However, the difference is getting

Don't be an ass. Read some history. You think this kind of thing goes on forever without people getting fed up? I'm not in favor of revolution myself - you usually end up just as bad as before.

And what our rightist friends seem to forget, is that extreme income inequality leads to rich people having their heads cut off.

Here is the actual scientist instead of the model used for this article. Took me whole seconds to find it....

I work with the poor all damn day. And let me tell you, none of them act like victims. They work relentlessly hard. But working incredibly hard does not assure upward mobility. It helps, but there are obstacles bigger than one person in their way. If we are suggesting book titles, may I suggest "Nickel and Dimed".

That's always somewhat of a concern - but in this case at least, no more so than a live vaccine (they used a modified version of the vaccine for measles, and it was stated that the treatment wouldn't work on someone who was immune to measles).
Even if we assume the worst case scenario - they accidentally create another

I don't think any "leftist" person doesn't want income inequality. They don't want income inequality as large as it currently is. There's a big difference. It's the same argument with pro life and pro choice. People who are pro choice are not pro abortion. Most pro choice people probably don't even like the thought of

I'm pretty sure it's more of a "food for thought" piece and perhaps to incite a conversation rather than have a pure point. I would also say that those richer people may have worked for it but may also be a product of circumstance (same goes for the poor). It's a bit foolish and simplistic to assume all the poor made

Sneaky, congratulations. You had opprotunities many never get. Maybe we can somehow figure out some system of helping the poor get better jobs that pay better, through perhaps some sort of employment education system that companies could help sponser. (This would work two ways for them, one, a good tax deduction

If i were that mother i would kick the ass of that egoist brother that is letting his own blood to live in a slum while he could afford otherwise.

It's awesome you were able to pull yourself up like that, it's always good to hear about people like you. Unfortunately, with today's college prices, even state schools are too expensive for someone to make the money to pay tuition while in school. Trying to make $20-30 grand a year as a student is almost impossible,

In the simplistic story you described above, there is no problem.

You're so industrious and smart! This is the same line of thinking that led Gingrich to say that poor kids should sweep the floors to pay off their lunch tabs. Oh, and the fact that you intimated that you stayed in the dorms for four years to save money only serves to show that you aren't aware of the current

You're still missing the point. Privilege isn't about being taught to work hard. It's about your hard work being allowed to amount to anything. Tell the guy working 70 hours a week just to break even and support his family that he should save up enough money for college. Claiming that it was only hard work that"got

That's kind of a straw man argument isn't it? I don't think most people (except the biggest extremists) are against people working hard, they're worried about the way wealth tends to accumulate at the top and then deny its privileges to the bottom.

Ya, but now she probably has autism.

The answer is mutation, mutation, mutation.

I have no reason to hate these shoes or the people wearing them; but I really hate these shoes and anyone who wears them.