
Money is very good way of attracting people who are only attracted to money.

Confidence, on the other hand, is almost universally attractive.

So...they're doing what the United States and Japan did in the 1930s?

If only we had nearly a dozen floating, mobile air bases to contend with something like this if we needed to.

A) What the fuck. You can practically see him stamping his feet via text message.

Smart people - or at least smart people who're worth dating - aren't going to necessarily be ruling you out if you're not equally as smart as they are. The biggest thing is if you're engaging your intellectual curiosity, willing to ask questions, especially when you don't understand and are willing to *listen*, then

I don't know, some people aren't honest with who they are, but other people are. It's your call to determine whether it's worth your time to find those who are open and honest, but saying they don't exist makes you seem pessimistic.

Being British, I of course support "The Beeb", but it is not my only source of information. I read Slate, the New York Times, i09 and any article that shows up on my Facebook page. It's agonizing because I have old friends on both sides and can understand why the Jewish people needed a homeland and also why the

It's not the physicists that are having a problem with this, it's the journalists reporting it as a big break through while the physicists are still just setting up to test the idea.

Actually, this is more like why we have to teach reporters about science... and measurement theory and statistics.

Well firstly, you don't need to show live specimens to promote a cause - you needn't walk through a tsunami hit zone or have injured Gaza children flown in to actually understand things do you?
Secondly, the whole point is to find better ways to "educated and interest people" wrt to the animal kingdom. Cages or

The Haul

Kyle: being smart isn't the same as being concerned with the common good. I submit that everyone who works at high level black hat finance or tech is probably VERY smart, but they're not very nice.

Listen, I'm generally against ignoring someone's point because they said a particular word or phrase.

It's a movie about "look how awful the world would be if we let the people I don't like breed too much."

I once read a paper that postulated that wealthy families had more intelligent kids not because of genetics, but because wealthy kids believed in themselves. The argument was something along the lines that wealthy families "most of the time" have families because they want to have kids. This means that the children

I know PLENTY of intelligent couples that have straight up dumbass kids, and vice versa. Genetics is not the only force at work here.

Even if the population of intelligent people was greater it wouldn't mean that the world would be a better place. An intelligent person isn't more inclined to be altruistic. There are plenty of intelligent people who are petty and biased little turds out to get what they want at the expense of others.

This is wrong on so many levels.