
I'm guessing your friends don't hang out much with the anime crowd.

My mother is the same. Except that she was a COMPUTER PROGRAMMER. Who can't use MS WORD. OR WINDOWS.

Ubuntu on laptop as dual-boot isn't ridiculous. It also makes programming in C easier to step into.

Sometimes it is. In those cases, it's not so much about power so much as a complete disregard of the other party in order to gratify oneself. Think frat bros raping drunk girls.

What industry?

The exception is if you are a social media specialist or something like that.

I work in the science industry. You would be absolutely shocked to know how many people have very, very basic knowledge of Office. I know I was...

Ah okay, you were just explaining their view.

You might not be that funny. Or have "bro humor", which is mostly a turn-off.

Except the second half at least is patently false. Everyone becomes more attracted the more they fall in love, obvs, but the women you're talking about have serious issues if they're falling in love without dating the dude first, or if they're dating people they're not attracted to @_@

Idk, it depends on the scenario.

It's okay, I was in the same class as this guy I ended up dating, and I never realized he was in my class until finals. As in, we had two semesters together, started going out middle of second sem, and I still did not realize he was in my class until he tapped me on the shoulder. It was kind of a major fail.

This. None of the guys I find conventionally attractive are men I would want anything to do with sexually. Like, yes, they'd look great naked on a calendar and I don't mind looking when presented, but dunno, would not bang personally.


As another conventionally attractive woman on here, I'd like to say that no one has ever given me shit or even obliquely said anything against me for being attractive. What you see is probably instances of where an attractive woman is being tone-deaf and not checking her privilege, and being "surprised" when her

Yeah, I gave him so much shit for crying. Normally I wouldn't, but he gave me so much crap earlier that I just. Did. Not. Care.

Congee is the shit.

I still refuse to admit that what happened to me was rape, even though I asked around and most people and some states do believe that digital penetration is rape.

I think it might probably be true.

It's not about dating, though.