
Gaming's not an issue. It's harder to find guys who don't game nowadays than those that do.

That's only if they're absolutely hell-bent on finding a gamer chick.

Fuck you. My penis is totally the cure for cancer AND world hunger.

5 is not a lot of guys, just saying. And I doubt 60 was a real number.

I wants. Not sure how my husband would feel about them on our bed though...

Devil's advocate: they can like Zelda and not be a gamer.

How is it pretending, though?

Some people buy things because they are cute. Or because they were a gift from a friend. Or a hand-me-down.

This reeks of "she didn't really mean 'no' ".

I think you're mistaking self-described "nice" with the trait "nice". I usually reserve the term "kind" for the latter. But yes, someone selflessly doing something kind for someone else? Freaking attractive.

Because gay guys don't go around complaining about being friend-zoned and how they wasted their time on a heartless bitch? Well, generally, I mean.

i don't think it's a way for women to bash on innocent guys; most times the guys are self-termed "nice guys". Not all guys are like that, but enough are that hearing the words "I'm a nice guy" (most of the time followed by "why don't girls like me?") triggers a red flag.

I call them "good guys", or if someone is actually a really nice person and has no self-interest behind it, a "kind person".

Actually, in cultural context, "nice guy" is pretty much the opposite of "attractive traits, including personality".

You must be one of those "asshole jerks" that actually get the girl XD

Errmm, if someone is being told that he is a "nice guy" often, that means that people can't think of another word to describe him. He's boring.

"Nice" means "I wanted to fuck you so I pretended not to be as much of an asshole as I actually am" :DD

I don't think not wanting to be shanked is the same thing as telling people they shouldn't be offended. Jeezus.

And here I thought the whole foundation of PUA was that women responded to tricks like dogs.

Other than Arnold Schwarzenneger