
Whoah, that makes the shit she did to her maid seem that much worse

Because people are always shitty to those who are different. :/

Better than my mom. Our house is always fucking spotless but no you can't have anyone over. You have to finish all your homework, practice piano, clean your room first. Oh, it's all done? I still don't feel like letting people come over.

I think main problem was stating that "they can continue to grow in height for up to 2 years after their first period" rather than saying that on average they stop growing after 2 years.

Girls can grow up to age 20. But guys do grow up through their early 20s.

Don't know about the rest, but girls do NOT reach their full height by the time they start their periods...

The fuck??

It's okay. With the advent of the internet and being able to entertain yourself indoors all the time, it evens out a bit.

Ugh ugh ugh that quote, just ughhhhh

But detergent is amazing for after I prepare baked potatoes. The salt/oil rub does not come off with regular soap :((

I reserve bleach for when my stuff gets mold on it. Because sometimes you just want everything to die.

I also don't think he shot him because he was black.

It wasn't "bashed in". He fell and hit his head, was probably pushed or punched by Martin.

Following someone in a car, especially at night, is really fucking creepy.

I was a high school girl who communicated in grunts, "sup?" AND shrieks. You probably would've hated me.

Because he's disregarding experiences different from his?

The OP jumped on both the people who didn't find it funny and the people who misunderstood. And as the OP wrote a long-ass reply to my comment, in which all I said was they probably should reconsider writing something that so few find funny and so easily misunderstood. I didn't accuse them of anything.

Felt the need to also comment because, normally, when you made a bad joke that can be misunderstood, and it's pointed out, people just say "Oh sorry, I should've worded that better" and that's the end of it. But the OP was being ridiculously defensive about it and blowing it up, even attacking people who didn't find

Chill out.

Enough people have and do on Jezebel that it wasn't very recognizable as humor. #2 can be humorous while being dead serious about #1. I think your setup was just bad, and you should go back to the drawing board.