
Have to say,

Eh, similar but different? I don't know any white myths about Indians other than that they all work in IT, but Chinese people always talk about how Indian guys are really ugly and how Indian women are hot.... idk.

I think that both genders get a lot of shit for appearance, though women definitely moreso. But men rarely get shit for their appearance when it comes to their professional work.

I've actually never heard the "me so horny" stereotype before, only the "passive little lotus flower" one. It's interesting to see the contradictions just within stereotypes for Asian women...

Don't know about other SE Asian groups, but in college at least, Indians stood out as the one minority group where the men tended to date outside their race (read: white girls) far more than the women did. I knew exactly one Indian girl who dated white guys, while almost all the others dated Indian guys, where as a

Thought it was pretty damn obvious after I clarified it twice.

It's honestly what it sounded like you were trying to do. And people already make so many excuses for cheaters, that it just didn't sit right with me.

Wait, Tila Tequila's Asian?

I'm saying you're trying too hard to make excuses.

I'm happy that they're happy. I'm not happy at people shoving their rings in my face and forcing me to make trite comments on how awesome it is.

Not planning, yes. But not WANT to?

Stimulus informs but does not create choices.

Ahh, makes sense.

Umm, I'm hoping that if they were flirting with each other, you would've called them out on it long before?

She's being defensive, something people do when they pretty much know they're wrong.

I fell in love with my best friend a few years ago. It was, of course, unrequited, and rather complicated by the fact that I fell for him while dating someone else (that he met through me, and respected a lot). I broke up with the bf, and confessed to my best friend, but if he doesn't like you that way, he doesn't

You don't owe them an explanation. That you don't like it should be plenty reason enough for them to stop doing that.

Wow. That was some... interesting wording.

Shoulder and neck. That is all.

We only want to see it if it's wearing a little hooded monk costume. Or any funny costume.