
Yep. She's more akin to a sculptor or installation artist than a photographer.

Haha. I think mine is a bit different in that he has trouble verbalizing affection. As in he really, really can't without being uncomfortable. But yeah, cat is a perfect descriptor.

I whine until I get my way. But I am pregnant and so can get away with it :D

Ermm, I'm needy when I lay in bed and whine until my husband brings me ice cream.

Yes, because wanting my boyfriend to call once a fucking week is "needy".

If there's one thing college has taught me, it's that you CANNOT judge a relationship based only on talking to one side. I'd reserve judgement unless you talk to them both.


Yeah, it took me the longest time to get used to my (now) husband's forms of affection. Which mostly involve poking me and making weird sounds at me, or acting like a spoiled brat when he wanted affection.

Idk, it took a full two years for my bf/husband to realize that wanting to know where the hell he was when he was hours late to get home or some goddamn notice when you cancel plans on me (Night before our planned trip to Chicago, I ask him if he was packed and ready. Replies with "oh, I forgot, I have to go to my

You asked if she really considered that message to be demeaning, which she obviously does. You're not really asking her if she feels that; you're questioning her opinions, which is kind of shitty.

That is super-shitty in that case. But yeah, on the other hand, at least you know how his family is before you're married in?

On the other hand, you talk as if she had a "choice" to be obese or not, that it was something she did to you guys.

I don't think you know the meaning of "every" ^^

Born in China, moved to the US when I was 5.

This. Just like my husband has no issue when I complain about men who do X or having to deal with Y as a woman because he knows it's not about him, most white people I know have no issues with discussions of racism.

Yeah, grade A doucebag says something that resonates with a few people and then they defend him in everything he says, to the point of trampling the voices of those WoC who don't agree with him.

I think he was on-point for a lot of stuff.

How do you know she doesn't think his comments are BS in and of their own merit? :P

That's really fucking condescending.

"Mother" is not insulting at all.