
It's because it's stupid. It's the cultural equivalent of sticking a fork in your hair.

There are hairsticks, and there are chopsticks.

Not articles on how good Asian guys are... and I've also only seen that one article by Vivienne (I think) on how great white guys are, and she doesn't speak for any of us.

I think I've already trashed the submissive stereotype to the ground.

There's a few factors in this, well two main ones I can think of. First, we Asians as a culture love gossip, but also love "saving face". You don't air your laundry out to the public, and AAW/AAM relationships would fall under that category for a lot of people. On Asian-language sites, trust me, there's a lot more of

Maybe they should start?

This biologist seconds you.

This biologist seconds you.

But ewww. Just, ewww.

It's not that we don't want to admit an issue exists; it's when an article about the shitty situation that Asian women face is hijacked by a bunch of guys saying that it's partially their own fault that they're harassed that we rage and say fuck you.

I haven't really seen it to be very common, but I'm in my early twenties and things might have been different. In my personal experience, Asian women who won't date Asian men and Asian men who won't date Asian women occur at roughly the same rate. Not super-rare, but not really common either. Like I said before, AAW

Not you, the other thread. Particularly sayitdontsprayit has a personal thing against Asian women. Like, seriously.

The other thing I wanted to mention was that I grew up in the US, even though I'm a first gen-er. Women who arrived more recently from Asian might have a lot of trouble telling the difference between "interested in Asian culture" and full-on Asian fetishists at first. In China everybody is in everybody else's

Alright, fair enough.

Yeah. I rarely get shit but about 80% of the time I'm out there are 4-5 guys in the group, and that combined with my death glare acted as a pretty good deterrent.

Well, this was in college.

Your statement was true, but also had nothing to do with the article, period.

The attitude is common enough. The anger that Asian girls aren't dating Asian guys is common enough, even in this thread alone.

