
Am I the only person who hates that concept? For something I need on the fly, yes, but shit I plan to use for years?

Curves are pretty damn nice, even if they aren't always beautiful. This is coming from someone whose body is essentially a rectangle.

I think it's unecessary advertising. Because they're trying to convince people to buy Surface, something they don't necessarily want. But whether you want to or not, you pretty much *have* to buy Office at some point. Office is amazeballs, for sure, but its market penetration is so ridiculous you'd pretty much be

Yah. But I also don't want to sound like his mother. It's kind of a lose/lose situation.

Because they hate dealing with people. And would rather play video games all day :/

Huh. I wish my unemployed boyfriend would clean. He does cook for me though...

Pwnd :D

"Names should be recognizable, pronounceable without explanation, spellable without explanation, and above all not complete bullshit like those on that list."

It doesn't take a mob to be racist.

Actually, my boyfriend worked factory jobs. 7-day weeks are extremely common. They call it "mandatory overtime", but the result is the same.

Probably, but stains on clothing and horrible breath are pretty indicative. I really don't understand conflating fat with poor hygiene, though.

But the social and financial equality makes it a gender-neutral issue, rather than an "oh noes, i have to pay child support" issue.

So why did you feel entitled to ask her to move?

I'm saying that the previous commentator was wrong.

Huh. I have never found someone sexually attractive at first sight. It just doesn't happen for me. Bad hygiene is definitely a turn off, but preferences and personality are usually the deal breakers.

I am Asian, and so fuck you.

But Brooklyn accents are soooo hot. Though I might be the only one who thinks so.

Not really. You're assuming all people are shallow our even confused the same things attractive.

If she had free healthcare, assistance, and education she wouldn't need to trap a man.
