
But what about "he pulled out every time and I got planB every time he didn't and I still got pregnant?"

I used it with one ex for three years (used planB when he had bad self-control), and with another for 2 years. But I'm pregnant now.

It's definitely better inside (according to my exes). But the difference in feeling from not wearing condoms was worth the trade-off. Again, according to my large and impersonal sampling of 2 ex-boyfriends :/

Umm, didn't a study show that while most men don't have sperm in their precum, with certain conditions it can leak in? And also that some men naturally have a small amount of sperm in their precum.

I knew you weren't responding to Cohen, I just thought you were responding to Angel Haze rather than general reactions to Cyrus.

Not to mention incest? :P

But Angel Haze's response wasn't to Miley Cyrus' dance; it was to Richard Cohen's very wtf article.

I realize that it's annoying but it's also bad to group all criticism about sexualization into one big shit-fest, especially since a lot of it is legitimate.

You must not know what a grammatical object is... it's a part of speech that indicates what the verb is acting on...

Are you serious? That object was an object in the grammatical sense, as in you have to sexualize something or someone. As in, it's not an independent verb like "walk", but a verb that requires an object, like "take".

Actually, according to what you linked, it doesn't.

I didn't have any issues with the rest of your argument, actually.

I think they mentioned that in the context of the actual game, it was meaningful and made sense, versus the demo it seemed to come out of nowhere. Presentation matters a lot.

Aaand gamers whine about everything they don't like in a game. But how dare those evil Feminists!

Miniskirt army.

Then critique their arguments, and not the fact that they're offended.

So I had a black friend one time, and he was okay with it, so it must be cool.

Totally off-topic, but my first crush in college and possibly my first love was asexual. It took me forever to get over him because he simply had no clue about the signals he was sending. *sighs*

Only if there's a half-naked commando warrior for us womenfolk to ogle as well. Preferably one that shakes his ass as he walks.

Errm, just curious, if most places disagree as to the meaning, how would you know which one he meant, whether her understood it, or whether your definition is even correct?