
Well aren't you a special cookie?

But there's already consensus that it's probably a moth. How much farther would DNA get you?

There's no *need* to, but you totally can if you want to. Huzzah, freedom of choice!

It doesn't apply, but it's far from a dream-world example... most people know at least one person who's mentally ill, but a happy and good person.


I don't think he thought it was groundbreaking. It was blown up by the media. Those were his thoughts and experiences, and he wrote a song that he wanted to write.

I beg to disagree. A song questioning why we would treat someone who's black or disabled like that and challenges people to think about their actions and that of those around them sounds amazing.

Isn't that a gay artist's story to tell?

Well, as much as the government would like to whitewash it, this is at least one of the better-known events, even within China, unlike countless other atrocities which have gone unnoticed.

Eh, I wouldn't worry about it.

Homonyms. Chinese is chock-full of them.

In some cases, emotional cheating is actually worse than real cheating.

I see your point, but compared to how amazingly genius the rest of his academic life is, it's like the one time someone who would've gotten a 4.0 got a B and ruined it.

Probably because it mainly focuses on lab animals, which don't eat processed foods :))

She might not have liked the way it was construed. It's a complicated topic, and the last thing you want is for someone to use your research to shame fat people. Proper diet and exercise lead to weight loss in some people. It leads to weight gain in others (addition of muscle mass).

Lab animals are fed their own water and feed. It has nothing to do with what farm animals are eating; farm animals are fed to make them grow big and get eaten; lab animals are used for expensive studies, of which food is probably the cheapest component. No scientist would skimp by using hormone-laden food or anything,

Are you kidding me??? The labs are monitored very strictly.

I am most definitely and sincerely black if putting a lot of cream cheese on your bagels is a black-only thing.

Seriously? Genocide? It's not like the Dalai Lama is pandering to western media and milking the situation for everything he can.

Eh, ogling has some nasty connotations though. I wouldn't call a simple glance ogling. A glance or two is perfectly okay.