
I thought about it, and it partially has to do with the fact that I have facial recognition problems: unless I know someone on a personal level, or they are ridiculously distinctive, I literally cannot tell them apart from someone else of similar coloring and build. Thus, my boyfriends run pretty much the full range

Ah, alright then.

I haven't fucked enough guys to have gotten to the extremes... but two of them were virgins in their 20's, at least. And why does it have to be people I've fucked? Why not just people I've been attracted to? And since when were mental disabilities and being poor have anything to do with looks?

I think noticing someone is attractive is different from "checking them out", which has a connotation of looking for an extended time, for an intended purpose.

No, it says a lot about what the commentors of that forum think teenage girls are like.

Party, yes. Randomly? Maybe.

I'll wear make-up on average 3-4x a month. And I own hundreds of dollars worth of make-up.

You sound like a prize...

Also, guys that complain about not getting girls are, hands-down, the most unattractive guys ever. It's the attitude that's a turn-off. It's not about your looks.

"Too nice for them" is code for you're boring. I'm going to guess that you're awkward and self-conscious and probably not a great conversationalist.

I'll repeat what I replied to someone else already: people tend to treat every continent as monolithic. I don't think it says much about how people think about Africa in particular so much as how people tend to treat countries they're not familiar with in general.

Meant that yes, it's problematic, but seeing as how people treat pretty much every continent as monolithic, I don't think it's an indictment on how people think about Africa in particular.

It's nice that you did it with someone special, though. Which is what I think most people want. No delusions of grandeur or anything but something memorable.

btw mine was not special. I just wanted to say I'd done it.

Yeah, it's a disparity that shouldn't be there.


At $20 a cigar, isn't that like $5??!!!


Idk, if people make such a huge-ass deal about the first day of classes every year, I see no problem with making a big deal of your first time. Sex is still sex, but how your first time pans out may or may not affect how you look at and feel about sex in general for a long time afterwards. I don't think it has to be

Haha, nice bait and switch.