
I have no problem with corporations doing that. But schools are there to teach you, not have you sell stuff. I don't think anyone smart would conflate dressing however you want in school with skills you might have.

Luckily it's not my job to do such difficult things :D

But there are also a lot of things within the dress code that can entice boys.

Yup. You're responsible for the repercussions of your actions, including how you dress. People might not view you as professional. They might think you're not serious about your job.

Why are you responsible for the effect your clothes have on other people?

It shouldn't burn your bum lol... it depends on what you put in it, probably. All the hotpot I've had goes in and out fairly smoothly :P

I read pennies as penises for a moment @_@

Since I don't know how to edit comments, haha

Yeah it is.

Well, I haven't sewn since my college fashion construction class, so it's a toss-up here too. Generally, though, if you're good at following directions and are careful, you'll get decent results. It's worth investing in a few good construction techniques (either books or online tutorials) and getting them down pat

I understand the cologne thing.

Yeah, their stores *are* a bit creepy. So yesterday me and my friend pissed people off by sitting on those couches they have in front of their store eating Auntie Anne's pretzels and drinking lemonade.

I think I'm having a crisis of conscience right now. Growing up, I was also one of those who never had nice clothes because my parents didn't believe in shelling out for brand names (though that attitude has since shifted some).

Tracie at least said they were real but likely inflated to use as a catch-all to dismiss having to deal with real issues at hand.

Would also like to add that it's actually bad for people to call them amazing geniuses, both from a psychological pov and for the general public and the kids to whom they could be role models to. People look at them and think, "wow, that's amazing, must be nice to be born a genius," instead of "wow that's amazing, I

Don't knock on Jessica Simpson shoes! They are super-comfy; it's really hard to find shoes that high and still comfortable!

While your first sentence had a fair point, but the rest of it was really bitter and reductive and stereotyping all rolled up into one.

Errrmm, anime might have ridiculously skinny girls at times, but if that's the case the whole visual style is like that. The western versions are decidedly more exaggerated in terms of features, and while they definitely have anime influence, it's more the giant eyes thing than anyone else. It seems weird to pinpoint

Ermm not sure where you work but people in corporate don't talk like that.

Yeah, looking forward to the day.