
I'm pretty sure high-end escorts are used to being treated to really nice things and many have regular clients. But the girlfriend experience market is kind of "iffy" for me, I mean, isn't it dangerous that you would actually fall for her? Idk.

You'd be surprised. Men just really hate showing effort.

Am I the only one whose sketch would end up more like the men's video and not at all like the women's? Please, please please tell me I'm not the only one :((

Just an aside, most men marry up appearance-wise because women try so much harder to conform to standards of beauty, and also because women don't agree very much on who's hot, so even if men tried to conform, they would still only appeal to a small percentage of women. So statistically no matter what there's a high

Umm no, he didn't change his mind the next day. He changed it at the table and grabbed the papers back. The papers for adoption are official but because it is such a big deal, they give biological parents time to change their mind. They don't do that for custody, for some reason.

What you cannot be in America, is discriminatory against white people, without an undue amount of effort and willfully trying, at least. I think you probably confused "discrimination" with "racism".

I think they're assholes because he wanted the child back as soon as he signed the paper, and he filed the lawsuit the very next day. And the adoption was never closed. So she wasn't their daughter in any sense of the word when the lawsuit was first filed. I'm sure they've developed feeling for her during the two

No, you can absolutely be racist towards white people.

No wonder they couldn't find him in the records. Seriously.

They could have told their lawyer to give him the papers back or nullify them, or just agreed to give the child back. I'm not certain of the timeframe between the mom meeting and telling them and him signing the papers.

That's my personal assumption, seeing as how

The article pissed me off as well, because it made the correct conclusion while understanding none of the details and making fallacious arguments to boot.

If you are accredited, you certainly couldn't charge for it outside of your own practice. As I understand, it's a pretty lucrative practice.

It's iffy... would it be okay for a Doctor to give bad medical advice outside of his practice? Probably technically legal but highly frowned upon.

You can still do it. You just can't be an accredited therapist and do it.

I guess I'm saying that initially, "what the right answer according to the law" and the "right answer according to what should be true" both pointed to giving the child back to the father, but because the Capobiancos had really good lawyers (read: they had money), it took two whole years to get her back.


That that this has any pertinence legally, but he asked the mother to marry him when he found out she was pregnant. She refused, which is why he sent that angry text message.

But he regretted it the moment he signed the papers, but they would not let him destroy them, so he got a lawyer the next day. Isn't there some law somewhere that gives biological parents a certain length of time after signing during which they can change their mind?

Disagree or agree with the law, even if the father still doesn't want it, technically she could only be adopted by outsiders if the tribe refused to raise her. I agree that her argument is pretty offensive and grating, and doesn't touch upon the actual intricacies of the case at all.