
No, he is technically correct.

It's because the mother's lawyer spelled his name wrong on the forms.

I'm surprised to not see more people mention that this was an absolutely terrible piece of reporting. There were more facts missing than not.

This reminds me of Zoidberg so much

chase her down or bitch about it on the internet, apparently.

Oh my god, I feel exactly the same.

Should they be able to decide when and who their kid should marry too? Seriously, the rights of parents are so overrated.

She's too busy doing housework and taking care of the kids.

Dramatic makeup doesn't have to be professionally applied. In college the a lot of the girls were this different with and without makeup. But makeup doesn't get rid of braces, that threw me as well.

I think it depends. For many mothers with young kids (also women in their 40's, like my sister's piano teacher), normal vs meth-head barbie might be pretty dead on. Minus the teeth, of course. The other one looked more like the dewy/fresh-faced makeup style rather than sans-makeup.

Defs agreed.

Whoah really? I have not yet been able to figure out how to properly apply concealer. A layer of loose powder tends to be enough to at least even things out for me, but I'm so bad with any wet makeup that it's pathetic.

Haha, three kids and a PhD dissertation... I do not envy your life right now.

Actually one of the primary reasons I use makeup when I do is to cover up that "haven't slept in a week" look. It makes me look more like myself when I'm well-rested, and keeps people off my back. Otherwise everyone at work would say things like, "you look horrible, are you sure you're okay?" and talking about the

She was being sarcastic. I think.

No. That's slut-shaming.

I think she's talking about rape...

Oh dear lord... you're gunna give me nightmares @_@

Buaha, you are amazing.