
Actually, many tenderizers contain bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapples. I believe it breaks down protein structures (hence meat tenderizer, and why your tongue sometimes bleeds after eating too much pineapple,) so it would be interesting to know if this works on the tentacles or toxins...

I have a theory that the transplants are the worst kind of people. They are either running from some problem (proably of their own doing,) or they are the kind of people who think “my life would be better if only ____” in this case, the blank is “lived in Florida.”

Mid/South Florida is alright.

In regards to munitions, yes, I stand by my original comment.

It’s not lost on me that you are joking, but I just can’t help but point out that I believe the difference between a missile and a rocket is that a missile is guided and the latter isn’t.

I believe that art style is inspired by Roger Ballen. He has worked with Die Antwoord on a few of their videos, and I know Ninja gravitates towards his style.

I am a seafood lover. Shrimp, scallops, any kind of fish (raw or cooked,) lobster, you name it, I’ll eat the hell out of it. I also still enjoy canned tuna, and that fake crab meat made out of god knows what. They have their place. Cheap beer has it’s place also. The beer snob thing is tired.

I daily drive a 6 speed Tacoma -where reverse is up and to the left- and every time I drive a 5 speed I have to remind myself not to go for that “sixth gear.” ...Admittedly, I’m not very smart, but I do think up and to the left makes more sense. In my truck in particular, it’s takes a significant enough pull to the

Ha! You didn’t know I was gonna say that, did you?!

I’m sorry, I tried, but who sings that cover?... Anyone?

Almond milk is garbage if you actually want protein... Just saying.

The P226 does not have a safety either. I believe the version the SEALs use is DA/SA, so the first trigger pull is quite heavy, but no external safety. To each their own, but I am of the mindset that only long guns need an external safety.