
I remember reading something that stuck with me....when you urge women to take steps to avoid getting raped, you are really saying “make sure he rapes the OTHER girl.”

I hope when he’s one away from catching up to Nixon they just start putting a little Nixon-in-a-Box on any Trump cover to keep him from getting there.

I love that he says it as though it’s a badge of honor, and not because he’s likely more corrupt than Nixon ever dreamed possible.

I read the whole (unredacted) interview. I know we all know this, but...I just can’t believe this clown is POTUS.

So you just completely made that up? Just because most American’s think of sushi as fish rather than rice does not correlate with your assumption that “only one place” in SoCal uses vinegar. I’m quite curious about your thought process here.

Oh, it just feels like it’s plain old rice? Well then, you’re obviously a culinary expert, who specializes in Asian cuisine. Why question your wisdom?

Spicer could save some face if he just showed up to the press conferences, said what the Trumpanzee is doing that day, and just repeated what idiotic shit the “president” Tweeted (“What did he mean when he said Obama was wiretapping him? Just that. It’s in his Tweet. That’s as much as I know. He said Obama tapped him,

Wife: “Not buying it. I’ve never heard you refer to our daughter as ‘my girlfriend’ once.”

Dude. Just no.

“Melania knows that I call my daughter my girlfriend. That’s what I was talking about. I don’t have a girlfriend,” he said.

Lots of me me me, my family, etc. Very little about the woman he murdered. He’s not a bad guy, people. He’s doing alright after the trauma he suffered.

I’ve been through the worst.

Right, sounds like he’s trying to suss out which players are the juicy little snitches.

This. It’s like he thinks, “Well at least I know THAT’S not a fireable offense...”

There are a lot of high school coaches that are desperate to relive their ‘glory days’ of being high school kings. They aren’t so much interested in teaching the game as much as they are trying to live vicariously through their players. I had a coach scream at our whole team ‘I would give my right arm to play one more

“You better have dates and times of the juicing.”

I guessing we both got linked here by the same present day thread. I’ve been itching to reply to all these.

**I know this is an OLD thread, but I had already started writing, so now I’m stuck.