yeah Hughes’s take seems to be... “i need to virtue signal somehow so i guess flatly misunderstanding what SP does and has always does” is the way he thinks he can score hypothetical internet points?
yeah Hughes’s take seems to be... “i need to virtue signal somehow so i guess flatly misunderstanding what SP does and has always does” is the way he thinks he can score hypothetical internet points?
Bro this is what irks me: like, if you want to say the show isn’t as funny as it used to be (fine) because it focuses more on current events than silly absurdism (totally fair) or that you think the characters have all been Flanderized (valid) that’s great. But this tired argument that they are all about “both sides…
I have teenagers. There are a bunch of kids that LOVE South Park. I don’t think it’s going anywhere b/c it keeps catching on with each generation.
The problem is... the show is good and has been for years. It’s probably even great now and has taken some of the most insightful political opinions I’ve seen a mainstream show take — and I’m left anarchist so I have really strong opinions about political opinions.
Cartman was maybe the avatar of social media 10 years ago. Now I just don’t think South Park is as relevant as it used to be.
Not to dash your hopes or anything, but Maher is a boomer-lite autocrat that prefers liberal autocracy to conservative autocracy (‘conservative autocrat’ = Dennis Miller). Those two dudes are birds of the same feather, just simping for different billionaires.
Show us on the doll where the nasty straight white man touched you.
Why does it need to die, it is still good. You don’t like it stop watching it.
I do the exact opposite; I stand up as soon as the plane takes off
Jezspin forever
Where the fuck else am I supposed to go to read up on the fine print of Oddibe McDowell’s water bill?
One Bad Dog I Met
Seeing as how the dress code for the site right now seems to be “Fuck You”, would that be “Very Fancy” or “Just Post Something That Looks Nice”?
No, because he lost game 1. The MVP will go to Strasburg, Greinke, or the Houston batter with the best numbers.
When you lose to the Titans, it is never the refs fault.
They should post another one that says: “I am a former social media account manager.”
Yu said it, pal.
Revenge is a Darvish best served cold.
Fort the love of god stop the autoplaying videos. I can no longer waste time at work on your sites because of these useless pieces of content taking up space and blaring out of my speakers any time I scroll down a page.
Ghosts are an upgrade from Sanchez seeing the Kraken.