
Diaries, apparently the Achilles heel of murderers throughout the industrialized world before 1970. Can’t count how many old murder stories I’ve read where ‘investigators learned the details of the plan from one of journals/diaries of the perpetrators’.

I love the fact that this idiots pictures on Instagram are a cavalcade of things he will be living without for what will hopefully be several years.

What a bummer, even non Yankee fans dug this guy. I thought he was just a comedian when I was a kid, his delivery seemed so sincere and come to find out it was. I was 8 before I realized he actually played! He will be missed unless he’s found.

Well, I could certainly say I mistyped while responding on a phone as it would be the truth but that would still not satisfy that idiot. I fully realize my mistake but this does not make my support for the Transgender community less sincere nor did it require the response of a 3rd grader as happened. I was commenting

Wow, the Transgender cop is on full patrol today. Are you a personal friend of Chelsea and understand all the avenues of defense she needs? What are sexual preferences? How does she perceive gender differentiation in a child bound pair bond? Please, educate us all of your vast knowledge of her orientation within the

Support doesn’t mean I need to know every nuance of their break downs you yucky poo poo head. What, the mind of a child as well as over sensitive? Go fuck yourself all day long then begin again later this evening. Just wanted to demonstrate how adults taunt and insult. Now come on back and tell me I have cooties or

I understand your point and I’m not trying be intolerant, I just really don’t care about the rights of people who put themselves in prison. Again, this is due to my affirmed belief in self responsibility. Aside from religious rights, education and a job I don’t believe prisoners deserve any further specialized

He’s in a military prison, different rules. If he can’t do the time Ina military prison then don’t do the crime in the military. Look, my point is that he put himself in that position because he is stupid. I’m not even convinced he’s legit Transgender, it might be a ploy for attention. He just gives more ammunition to

Who cares, don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. There are more constructive ways to expose your country’s misdeeds that don’t involve going to jail. He’s not a martyr being persecuted, just an idiot. Every segment of the population has dumbasses sprinkled around their ranks, the transgender community which I

First it was Christie and John Mellenball hooking up now Miley and Dane?!? This is C List celebrity madness!

Never even saw it from that angle but yeah, makes sense now that you mention it.

The only thing worse than that are Christians co-opting Rosa Parks to mask their homophobia.

Double down on the stupid Dwayne, double down.

They are slightly better names than Gwyneth’s kids Pear and Job. Slightly.

Damn she’s stupid. I’m all for same sex couples adopting and utilizing sperm banks to have a child but if you aren’t conceiving in the conventional way this is the risk you run. The future esteem of the child should take precedent, so yeah, fuck her. The sperm bank definitely fucked up but she should have quietly

Mental disorders get worse with age, it seems cute to her now. She needs help but doesn’t realize it yet.

The luxury we have as a younger generation is being able to figure out where we want to go from here, which is why I’ve said things like, “I don’t focus on feminism, I focus on the future.” It’s not to say that there’s not more to do in that area. I’ve gotten to witness through history the evolution of so many

You’re the saddest person I’ve read a comment from on the interwebs all day. Congratulations!

Got it Whoopi, now please bring the same subject up with Tyler Perry. And if a White comedian did ask the same question to him speaking like an African American woman in a stereotypical ghetto style there wouldn’t be a shit storm at all. I just love it when reverse racism is employed to make a point.

This is madness, next thing you know abstinence only education is going to be proven ineffectual. Where will it all end?