Looks like this kid had his Summer of 42.
Looks like this kid had his Summer of 42.
I couldn't see one, but I bet somewhere in this video there is a caption that reads, "Copyright 2014 Whiney Ass Jim Harbaugh Productions Inc.".
Well since the building projects cost 20 times what they should have no one should be surprised. The whole country is basically a mafia state now so you basically had a bunch of Russian Soprano's doing as little as possible while charging the most they can for materials. They simply have not mastered the delicate…
Show us the proof. Considering everything about his life was borrowed from previous cultures gods, no mention of him was made until 100 years after his death and the Romans, who took notoriously detailed records, never once mention his name in the crucifixion tables of the time, I would say the jury is still out on…
That part just killed me. Absolutely hilarious. It should take Fox about 48 seconds to type out 'f$&k you!' In legalese.
Uderstood, however, I would imagine that most of these cops are going to be going about their normal duties, using their eyes and such to observe and stop crimes or violations being comitted. I find it hard to believe the only thing they will be doing is driving around peeping at people's crotches. That being said,…
Yeah, but just like the gun debate, our crusty old founding fathers couldn't create a consitution that would satisfy every possible situation for hundreds of years to come. They couldn't foresee assault weapons just like they couldn't foresee cars and a$$hats who text while driving them. When people start texting…
So what, we have to tip toe around every viewpoint on the planet regardless of how stupid it is simply to spare feelings? Whatever, if people put the crazy out there on display for the world to see then you reap the comments that come with it. Scientific fact and scientific theory based on EVIDENCE is not a…
Very good points...
Too funny...
Please provide such proof that he physically existed when you have a chance because I have never come across it. No Roman records of his execution, not one word written about him until 100 years after he suppossedly died and every part of his story is taken from previous PAGAN mythologies. So, again, please provide…