You can't feed cats on a vegan diet because they are obligate carnivores, i.e. they literally need to eat animal products in order to survive.
You can't feed cats on a vegan diet because they are obligate carnivores, i.e. they literally need to eat animal products in order to survive.
also wasnt this gun invented in skyfall
I also hate bananas, unless they're still green. I really HATE the smell of ripe bananas.
He's my new favorite feminist, but some damn socks on, Terry Crews!
Yes! Maybe it's my west coast hippy dippy shining through, but wouldn't it be nice if we could change the narrative of marriage to it being about a long term partnership, rather than a lifetime commitment, to which the only way out is failure? Wouldn't it be awfully mature of us to be able to say "that was really…
Ya, that's why I don't get why people bring it up. To me such a lack of ability to take care of oneself would be embarrassing, not something to humblebrag about like most people seem to state it as.
Divorce was the literal best thing my parents ever did for my siblings and I. Just like abortion, I think divorce is a decision that is really thought about and honestly, every time the writing has been on the wall, I have never been surprised, yet the shit I hear people say like you mentioned above is astonishing.
Exactly. He doesn't look like a platypus, he just looks like a weird walking hodgepodge of tribal cultural appropriation. And orange. It's all very orange.
Headshop, coffee shop, or Portland.
A four-year-old couldn't do it. So Goodell did.
ugh biggest crush charming fox is confusing
I'm still not convinced Pythagoras was wrong.
At night, put in dons a fedora and writes on men's rights subreddits about this Asian lady whose totally friend zoning him.
Most these arguments seem like they would apply to both genders. We should stop locking up people who pose no threat to society, regardless of their gender.
Yeah I say deer should be last cause they are dumber than shit and delicious. Anybody that eats salamander over any one of these is most likely a serial killer.
While the level of crazy for at least the next 4 year is going to be super depressing and funny, the Democrats have nobody but themselves to blame for being in this mess. This is what happens when you let your opponent control the sphere of the narrative on issues, and setting yourself for only reactions to said…
The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the likely voter.
I'm often iffy about not having controversial figures speaking at a university (I rather liked the talk I heard from Karl Rove, even if I disagreed with every minute) just to keep bad ideas out. However, when you have the chance to spend finite resources to have heterodox thinkers at your school, you don't go for…
And you know what? It was. We made the ALCS for the first time since I was in elementary school. We lost a few close games. We didn't play to our full potential. The bounces didn't go our way. At all. The Royals pen shut us down. But I'm proud of our guys and what they were able to pull off this year, even with Manny…