
A man, a woman or both? I'm leaning towards a man, but Walker kinda gives had-a-child-with-a-woman-that-is-not-my-wife vibes.

as a jew I found this vaguely demoralizing

"Yes, I've heard all the things you want to do to me. Thank you. That's quite enough."

BFA in Mansplanation from DoucheFedora State College.

Those Cardinals fans love dominant pitching, but will gladly settle for three Ks.

Best Klans In Baseball

As a female athlete with a stats minor, I will assume the probability you are dumb, full of shit, or both is at or just below 1.

I hate the Cowboys, but I love this.

When a coupla execs who were up to no good

A race to the bottom.

And come this November, remember to Say No to the Bro

If "bootstraps" fucked a yogurt commercial, the bastard offspring would be "Love yourself more."

So true. I'll never forget Reagan's tearful resignation speech after the Iran-Contra scandal.

I dunno where this was originally found, but I used this photo instead of writing an actual review on Goodreads.