
Oh fuck, I might get to listen to the new Radiohead while I drive to see Comedy Bang! Bang! Live on Sunday!

I wonder if he knows Kristen Schaal?

Yeah, I'm still not at the "fuck that creep" stage but if it turns out to be true it's really going to bum me out. He's probably my favorite stand up and someone with whose material I hugely identify.

Sorry for the Monday bummer. Like I said though, they're just rumors, no one has actually come out and said "Louis CK did this to me."

"And they asked her 'Would you ever be in a comedy?' and she said 'No, because comedies don't run deep enough.' And I looked at her face in the magazine and I said 'You're going to be on my show,' I said it out loud like a psycho

There was a bit in the Louis CK interview that, when heard in the context of the rumors going around a year or so ago, didn't sit right with me. He's talking about watching Edie Falco being interviewed and her saying she didn't want to do any more tv, and he says he said out loud, "I'm gonna make you do my show." And

It's crazy how good the first few episodes of Archer have been. I've liked the last few seasons but they've definitely been missing something, and whatever it is came back big this season.

It seems like they usually crop up when the members of each band are starting to get sick of each other so I think they'd be surprisingly ok with it.

That Lion King think between him and Mikey legitimately made me well up a little. And how did I never realize Timon and Pumba are gay?

Mmmmm yes, especially since they're such good friends with Adam Sachs now because he knows they're so cool and nice and interesting.

It's got a bit of a drum beat now!

So he did! Apologies to the great MacPhisto!

This has been up for almost three hours and no mention of the CB!B! grepisode with the Hollywood Handbook guys that came out today? And people say there's too much Earwolf talk around here.

Finally digging in to Dinosaur, Jr. after hearing nothing but great things for years. I'd heard a song or two and liked them but never went deeper. Payed for a month of Apple Music solely to download some of their stuff, right now I have You're Living All Over Me and I Bet On Sky. I've listened to all of the first

Yeah, that was the one thing convincing me to stick with it, (even though I haven't watched an episode since the Dead German shenanigans) that Boardwalk Empire's second season built on a decent but flawed first.

Hey, we all forget the most common names in the world sometimes, it's ok.


Really looking forward to this, and hopefully another Greatest Event in Television History.

It's not Saz from Peep Show? Also, people are actually named Saz? You crazy Brits.

I still haven't even watched last week's episode of Vinyl. Glad to know I made the right decision.