
Yeah, I saw their statement on Facebook. I hope it's not true, though I honestly wouldn't be surprised if any of them weren't great people in real life. I remember reading Michael Jackson's post about leaving the show and a lot of it sounding completely plausible, though I also think he said it was mostly not the main

I'm two episodes out from finishing the new season of Trailer Park Boys and I'm not sure how I feel about it. I've enjoyed a lot of it, but they continued my least favorite part of the last season, Jim Lahey's sad alcoholism. I mean, most of the characters are alcoholics, don't get me wrong, but they've just pushed

Also, please inform Bonnie Teti that willie tromboner is a fan.

That's gonna be a, uh, a fascinatin' transition.

I'm gonna sit at the welcome table! Sing about it, I'm gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days! Hallelujah! I'm gonna sit at the welcome table, gonna sit at the welcome table one of these days!

Anyone know what's happening with Isy Suttie's The Things We Do for Love? I thought maybe it'd be monthly when there was nothing for a few weeks after the first episode, but now it's been a month and a half at least.

You didn't?

Putting this on my mental list to check out. I like most of the songs white has done for Danny Brown and I've been getting in to Open Mike Eagle more recently. I think because he was associated with the comedy scene (at least in my mind, I first heard him on podcasts and such) I wrote him off a little bit but I was

Then who the fuck killed Phife Dog?

It's not even a holographic Charizard? Nice try, Limey.

This is funnier than anything in that video.

I know it's not TV, but Phife Dawg from A Tribe Called Quest died. He was only 45. Diabetes is no joke, guys.

There's a reason he was in one of the better seasons of Community.

The AV Club

I just started listening to Doughboys last weekend when I had some room in my pod-regiment, listened to the first seven and then skipped ahead to Chic-Fil-A with Betsey Sodaro because I'd just had them for the first time. (And because Betsey Sodaro is a joy) Really loving it, and everything I've heard about Munch

And also puts the lie to the whole "this generation is looking for things to be outraged at" attitude. If you're being funny and offensive, most people won't give a shit.

Killdozer, The Rube, and Jack Parson are personal favorites.

Nope. I really wanted to love this show. When I heard Terrence Winter's post-BE project would be a drama about 70s rock with Scorcese and Jagger, I was beyond excited and was sure there was no way it could be bad. They've destroyed almost all of that goodwill in six episodes.

I thought it was Frank Ocean, which is probably the nicest thing I'll ever say about Trey Songz. Kid has a nice voice but his music is not my tempo.

I've tried to give this show a shot, I really have. I kept telling myself, Boardwalk Empire seasons always started out slow but built to something great by the end, that must be what's happening here. Then last week I thought, alright, this is pretty bad, but if it turns out to be all about how cocaine makes you