
I was kind of bummed they'd already shown that in the commercials for this episode but it was still hilarious.


I kind of feel like him not saying something shitty to her when she offered him nuggets and fries was him admitting she's his friend, and I thought that was really beautiful. This show makes me think and feel weird things.

I never thought I'd be legitimately, emotionally invested in the fate of a character played by Louie Anderson in drag, but here we are. The finale is going to be fucking rough if Mama Baskets doesn't make it.

I love that bump so much, they look terrifying in those wigs.

sounds lame af

lol wtf is a newspaper

"Gift" is also already a word that flows already.

And more adorkable, which is highly important to our generation.

I can't think of a specific instance but that sounds right.

Pretty sure those people mostly don't get involved in Scientology.

That auditing session was alright.

They're called yeerks, dummy!

Well, now I've got the perfect meet cute for this romcom I'm writing.

Holy shit that's great. As far as I know I've never met a Scientologist, but now I'm pretty sure I'll be disappointed.

I'm surprised they aren't forcing every member with a license and negligible celebrity to become an Uber driver, it seems like a pretty solid recruitment scenario. And then they could donate any money they make right to the church.

"Lightly snacking" is probably more appropriate.

And I thought keeping my joints in an Altoid tin was ironic.

For a second I thought maybe he had already gone to the FBI and they were telling him to try and get as much info as possible, but I would hope an agent would mention, "Hey, don't just try and get them to tell you what they're doing, that's fucking dumb."

Am I a completely terrible person for laughing when the EST guy asked Phillip why he never talked to his bully and there was a quick flash of the kid's dead body? It really felt like a joke rhythm and I couldn't help myself.