
Yeah, she said it right to the nerds' faces. Well, ears, but you get my point.

"Even I couldn't get that pig to stay still long enough to get the lipstick on."


I've been listening since it was Comedy Death Ray Radio and I still love the kid detectives. They're so precocious and fucked up!

It lacks the quiet dignity of "Jeb!"

Was that the bully from the Bully episode of Louie as one of the homicide detectives?

Science is a Liar, Sometimes

Gimme dat Pill!

Only if Charlotte Newhouse comes along to make weird, mumbled, hilarious asides.

Hot dog go to bathroom.

I think the lesson here is that setting your show in and around rock shows might not be a great idea.

I've never seen Limitless, so I choose to believe those are the only words his character can say.

As I scrolled down the AV Club front page looking for this article all I could think was, "I want that Podmass. Gimme that Podmass." This is starting to happen whenever I'm waiting or looking for something and it's starting to drive me a little crazy. Am I Robert DeNiro?

All of the 4/20 specials, last year's Holiday special, any episode with Mantzoukas, St. Clair, & Parham together, and any episode with Armen Weitzman.

I was kind of let down by that one after the amazing Wild Horses episode the week before, maybe I'll have to revisit it soon.

I loved how clear it was that that was actually something that happened and pissed him off, even through the thick layer of HH artifice. It reminded me of a Neil Campbell character - the kid that always makes fun of cool adults, clearly inspired by some kids making fun of him earlier.

As he should be.

I thought she said "tube song" and since I've been listening to a lot of Analyze Phish lately I thought, "Oh shit, are the Nasty Bits about to jam Tube? Shame Chris Kuroda isn't there."

King in the castle, King in the castle!

I think there might be a Roy Rogers at one of the rest stops on I-95 in Maryland, too. Maybe Chesepeake House?