
When reached for comment, his understandableness was too enturbulated for a statement.

Something about whores I guess? The ad guy won't stop crying.

The AV Club
…as strident and unlikeable as I remember.

The "cut it out" mime has become a lot more…menacing in the intervening years.

Oh, he's in to Mehta World Peace humor?

It's the AV Club's Serial discussion podcast. It's not bad, I stopped listening this season though. I don't hate season two of Serial like some seem to but I'm definitely not invested enough to listen to other people discussing each episode.

Yeah, I loved the first Serial and even listened to Serial Serial and Slate's Serial show, but Undisclosed didn't do it for me. I had a pretty visceral hate of one of the host's voice/speech patterns, though, so YMMV.

Ah jeez Rick, that's, that's, that's not a very nice thing to say to me, Rick, I mean, I've been to the Hell dimension with you before, you know why I don't want to go back. And my name's not Marty, for f*ck's sake, I'm your f*cking grandson Morty!

Yeah, I agree with pretty much everything he's saying (quoted here, haven't read the full review) but it doesn't bother me like it clearly bothers him.

Nah, they'd probably have to murder a couple horses for that to happen. Andrew Dice Clay doesn't count.

Not quite the same as these, but a few years ago Mick Boogie and Busta Rhymes put out the mixtape Dillagence, a tribute to the late, great producer J. Dilla. It starts out with a message from Dilla's mom, and though it seems pretty clearly scripted it's still very touching how much she seems to appreciate the love

🎼May the circle be unbroken🎼

Oh, Paul Rust? I hear he likes chemicals so much he might as well be named Walter White.


I think they were saying he doesn't learn from this experience not to be a Bluetooth douche, and so ends up with Walt blowing up his car real good.

I'm afraid Blunt Talk suffered from the same "wtf is starz lol" syndrome that Party Down did.

I want dat pill.

Uh oh!


Seriously, how does it possibly cost them more money to email me a ticket than to send me a physical one?