
I've got a great documentary triple header for grimy 70s New York stuff - Blank City, Style Wars, and Dark Days.
Edit: Sorry, Dark Days is actually in the 90s. Still great for grimy footage of New York, though.

I loved the whole episode, but my favorite part was Jesse Ventura Meets the Parents. "The left spouse doesn't know what the right spouse is doing."

Fair enough, maybe I just don't tend to notice that stuff.

I looked up the directions from Wilmington to the Keswick and at one point it puts me on Mt. Carmel road, which I'm pretty sure is a sign that Paul will be JW Stillwater.

I'm in GG on the left. Not too shabby!

Ah, that sucks. It seems like Pittsburgh is far enough that sometimes tours will hit both, but close enough that it's not a given.

Great, now I have that Evanescence song stuck in my head. Please send me your contact information so I can call you as a witness for the defense in my inevitable murder trial.

Yeah, the 11.50 "convenience charge" was a hard pill to swallow. I thought about trying to get tickets for the Durham show, I was planning on visiting my cousin in Carrboro around that time anyway, but I had about $30 in my checking account until payday after I got my ticket for Philly.

I know, for me, the sheer amount of content is what's kept me from diving in. And not even just the backlog, I'm not sure about now but I know when he was on WFMU the show would be three hours, which I just have no room for in my listening schedule.

I see no evidence that this won't also be "a big broad allegorical myth" just borrowing from real music history and fudging things where needed for dramatic effect, much like Boardwalk Empire and mafia history.

Who else got their tickets for the CB!B! Live tour? I'm seeing the show for the first time at the Keswick Theatre show outside of Philly, the seat seems to be pretty good too, though the "seat finder" on their website is atrocious.

I loved Adam Pally comparing the gay friends on the Housewives shows to the skull in Hamlet. Way better analogy than any of those shows deserve.

Yep, saw a picture of him at the table with Matt and Mark on the field.

Yeah, I used to be a regular listener before the show started to routinely run incredibly long with guests I wasn't interested in. Checked back in for this episode and made it about an hour before I realized I had barely laughed. I'll keep my eye out for Paul F. Tompkins episodes, but other than that I think I'm done

I don't think that's where E.Buzz is coming from, from his previous comments I've seen he's genuine in his opinions, it just seems overly nitpicky to me.

And one guy from Yonkers.

Alright, now you're just looking for things to hate. You've never run in to someone you knew years ago in an unexpected place? How is that any more contrived than in Breaking Bad when Walt just happens to be on a ride along and see his old student jump out of a meth cook?

I'm also not sure we were supposed to believe him when he told his wife he wanted things to go back to normal as Dan suggested. It seemed pretty clear to me that he wasn't super stoked on the German deal, there just wasn't a good reason ("good" in his mind) to blow it up yet. But the ensuing five days gave him plenty

But it will be for him, because of the…implication.

Fuck, Mitch McConnell?