
When is Obama gonna wake up and do something about the spread of Christian Sharia in this country? We are under constant attack from these radicals trying to destroy our way of life and he’s busy making out with the Gays and giving healthcare to the poor. We need to man up and send ground troops into Wisconsin,

This paradox just rippled a hole in the fabric of the space-time continuum!

Please remember that kink shaming is not okay

Only on a site such as this would someone say that rape porn is not a part of rape culture.

Hey, how about not trotting out “sex-negative” in a post where someone in BDSM raped a woman despite her use of safewords, huh? Maybe realize that “sex-negative” is the new way to say “frigid” and stop using it, because the idea that we can’t discuss how damaging certain aspects of sex can be to women is horseshit.

there is a big difference between sex-negative and rape-simulation-negative feminism. i think BDSM is great for consenting adults. i find the need to simulate rape skeevy.

nah. fuck that. there are kinks that need to be called out and shamed. like if you get off on pretending to be a Nazi and simulating rape with your partner that's pretending to be Jewish that's fucked up and you should be made aware of that.

Yeah, I think there’s something deeply wrong with you if you want to play the part of the rapist. If that’s not repellent to you, you’re fucked up.

I’m not into visual porn; smutty writing does it for me. But enough people raved about him that I gave it a try, once. He spat in the woman’s face and simulated raping her - no thanks. Not into guys who even pretend to enjoy that shit, and if that makes me not sex-positive, I can live with that.

And that would be applicable if I were talking about videos simulating consensual BDSM. I’m an advocate for sex positivity and have several amateur kink and pro domme friends; I am able to make the distinction.

Now playing

It’s true. I dated a girl who straight up told me she had rape fantasies. I honestly had absolutely no idea what to do with that information. Really, I just felt like this :

I never understood the Deen love. Boyish smile or no, I’ve seen him in way too many videos that simulate rape, and I could never understand how someone who purports, even mildly, toward feminist self-identification could justify that.

You missed the point entirely

I can’t remember the last time I went a day without hearing about transgender issues. This disproportion of the number of people in the minority vs. amount of time spent discussing the matter must surely by the largest in history. This movie has a $25 million budget. Wonder what would happen if $25 million were

tumblr is a breeding ground for this type of person. i know there are others that aren’t, i used to use it, but it stopped because it was over run by people with personality disorders.

I was thinking the same thing... And all the apple products (her last ‘project’ was video cas taken from a mac book)... It's like a goddamned commercial.

No it’s really not ‘powerful’. It’s fucking boring as hell and really is a super-transparent bid for attention couched in a lame ‘but I’m vulnerable’, sentiment. I don’t care that it exists in the world and I’m not offended by it, but jesus christ it’s not ‘powerful’. It’s just more meaningless ephemera added to the

(Yawn.) Guess anybody can call themselves an “artist” these days, especially if there’s a little bit of (gasp!) nudity involved.

I got the gist after the 2nd pic. I wonder if people who do this kind of uber basic white girl art really don't see how insufferable they come off. Whatever, Miley Cyrus and Lena Dunham would be proud.

a bold mix of exhibitionism, vulnerability