
Ehhh, running off to join an international terrorist group hundreds of miles from home to participate in their global jihad? I’m not that sympathetic.

Now playing

Potential terrorists who are victims of their own stupidity?

Sure. But do you feel all terrorists are victims, or only these girls?

Fuck that. This was the best thing that ever happened to this kid, and he was in no way ‘damaged’ to the point of 15 million dollars.

“If there is one thing I’ve learned from Amanda in the 10 years we were together, it’s this: Choosing to let my emotions drive my decisions is recipe for a hopeless and fruitless life.”

I wish. Three families packed into one tiny house with a grandmother who makes more food than the entire combined US army.

I feel horrible that this happened to this woman. Not because she’s blonde, white, a mother, or a Pastor’s wife, but because no one deserves to be raped and brutally murdered.

They took that pastor’s wife and baby...

I think a lot of problems your mother faced were products of the time, plus it seems hers was a more cloistered order.