
I felt the same way about The Strangers.

If anyone needs me, I'll be in my Cool Ranch…

That's my personal favorite from the show, lol.

2 Broke Girls 1 Cup?

My favorite scene in Jaws 4 is the one toward the end, where Caine's plane is sinking, and he's forced to swim to the boat the other main characters are on. When they get him out of the water, not only is he completely dry, but not a single hair is out of place. I laughed my ass off in the theater.

Love this movie! My best friend in high school and I used to say "click" at the end of every phone call because of this flick, lol.

Sinsidious? Insidster?

I might be mistaken, but I think it's part of a multi-picture deal with Netflix, so they're probably all debuting as rentals.

Shaka, when the walls fell…

While I agree with most of the hate the third one gets, I like the 4th movie. They were smart to have much of it take place in cramped quarters in outer space again, as that created a lot of tension. It also had some really original monster designs and visual effects. If it wasn't for some of the sillier dialogue

Oh, I didn't realize that…They did a good job with it!

They are joking….a TV reporter on a Fox affiliate used the word on the air, unaware of what they were saying. Assless Chaps was just spoofing the incident. You can see the actual clip on Youttube.

That was almost as funny as the "Too Many Cooks" parody they did, they're getting more creative.

The top image looked like a screenshot from the Klingon PC game from the late '90's….I had that, as well as the Borg game using the same format. Cheesy acting, but I remember enjoying them both. It's a shame that they never did a Holodeck-style adventure game or RPG. That would've been a blast.

Until I actually read the headline, I thought it WAS Colbert. Eerie resemblance…

As the great Mr. Cartmendez once said, "How do I reach these KEEDZ???"

I always hoped that Jaws:The Revenge would turn up on MST3K, as it was soooooo bad….like the scene where Michael Caine's character swims to escape the shark, climbs aboard the boat the other characters are on—and then he is instantly bone-dry, clothes and hair included, for the rest of the film.

"He's a lady, oh, whoa-oh-a-oh! He's a lady!"

I plan to wreath havoc on this thread!

"Dickensian nipple" always reminds me of that chapter where Tiny Tim lost his virginity to The Ghost of Christmas Future. Pretty graphic stuff!