
That's weird, because I've been seeing more and more editing mistakes lately, and was about to ask a similar question…

read "fisting" as "fishing" at first…laughed both times.

As far as Egypt goes, "Ankh" was a pretty good game. Also, the Runaway games go all over the world, The Road To India, Grim Fandango. Passport, PLEASE!, and Secret Files: Tunguska goes to some VERY remote locations, including Siberia.

Tina Wood and Morgan Webb…. *sigh*

Snotty doesn't know! Snotty doesn't know!

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm keepin the faith!

The A.V. Club

I have no trouble admitting openly to the world….I love Mike Hunt.

Mine's 3 days earlier…Phew!

Now, all of you, just go away! Shoe! Shoe, right now!

Man, AV Club's bumming me out! First, reminding me of all of the saddest clips on Sesame Street; and now, telling me that my supplier of the gateway drug into my addiction to RPG's and Adventure games has passed away. Wah.

I hope the next Dracula's better than the one that was out a month ago….yeesh!

Why is Liam Neeson standing at the end of that group photo? He looks even more confused than I am.

Loved this movie as a teen, especially Ralph….that guy was BORN to play Lou Costello!

I don't get the love for Too Many Cooks….MADtv did it about a decade earlier with One For The Road….

Man, this room surrrrre is dusty….

This can't be happening! I told everyone on MySpace to watch, and they said they would!

It's not…I live in NH, on the border, and we refer to the drivers who come from Boston as "Massholes".

They're renaming the show next season, from Agents of SHIELD to Tuesdays With Mori.

So….it's a combination of Dark Ride, Tobe Hooper's The Funhouse, and certain parts of Final Destination 3? Maybe they can do some inventive kills and make it not such a ripoff of the others.