
I cant get excited about the 1980's setting though.

Sure everyone has different tastes but it's more thenout of context nature of the tweet that bugs me.

Did you read the book though?

or he is Dick Van Dyke?

Which seems silly to me.

Well you would still have the future setting, the online world, and the quest - but you would need to change the 80's geek references to something else. Riddles and magic stones or something.

This is such a good point that everyone, especially people who haven't read the book and are judging it on one of context extract in one tweet, seems to be overlooking.

I'm kind of expecting that team to form after Avengers4 but it would be neat if the existing team is defeated in Avengers3 and then the new blood like Captain Marvel, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange etc (and maybe even some TV/Netflix people?!) have to save the day in Avengers4.

More like characters dying and events in this film having long term repercussions that continue into future films.

That Thor scene needed to be longer.

2 to 3 hours seems fair enough, I just hope there's major consequences in the film.

= acrobatic thief!

Wikipedia says "Kevin Feige has confirmed that Captain Marvel will feature the Kree-Skrull War".

They were fine as a cannon fodder army in Avengers1, It's not like we've heard much about them since.

I'd love some SHIELD cameos like you mentioned, maybe chuck in some agents we later find out as Hydra?

Imagine if a major character is killed in Infinity War and then their death shows them to have been a Skrull - double bombshell!

It also gives Fury's "you think you're the only Superhero" speech at the end of Iron Man an extra edge…

I wonder if we will see two Ant-Men, two Wasps and a Goliath in action at the same time?

I'm sure there will be plenty of trailers to avoid once the film is nearing release.

Bill Foster, Pym's lab assistant who also used the Goliath identity. He also went by the names Black Goliath and Giant Man.