
They could do mid-budget movies that slot into the already existing timeline - a pre-Avengers Black Widow/Hawkeye movie, a Howling Commandos movie in the 40's, an (original) Human Torch movie etc.

Cpt Marvel is set in the 1990's though. Unless you mean Thanos' actions in the present day brings the Kree and/or Skrulls back into play and he's involved in that somehow.

Appearing in the 1990's set Captain Marvel will be cool - especially if they kill him off in Infinity War Pt 1 or 2.

Obviously these guys are all terrible, but is Max Sparber's tweet technically racist?

But it does mention her by name?

(So many comments saying "could care less" or similar, when they mean "couldn't").

I only got Netflix (UK) ahead of Daredevil and the related shows - what way did ST:Discovery go?

I would've liked to have seen Vincenzo Natali's version.

Here's an old quote from the writer of the film;

This can do both. The movie was mostly set in one building - there's still a whole Mega-City (and Cursed Earth) to explore!

It would be nice if the show and the film exist in the same timeline.

I didn't love Dunkirk but I like that Nolan has the opportunity to make experimental Blockbusters

I was dreading it but it was actually rather well done.

Does the press release actually say that Supergirl will pair up with Arrow, or could it be the story moves from 'Supergirl' into 'Arrow'?

In England, by English parents - although we do get the Simpsons over here.

I hope he still pops up in the CW shows - maybe come back and help in the mid or end season finale.

Probably have to wait till GotG3

Makes sense. I wouldn't be suprised if the end of her film, perhaps a even a credits scene, is her back in the modern day and leads directly into her appearance in Avengers4.

A shrill, pointless decade.

Why moronic? A warrior entering a war makes sense to me.