
Such a terrible origin story though

So I'm thinking Sonny Burch will have connections to Darren Cross and will obtain the Ant-Man tech in a legal manner - setting up the appearance of Ghost and perhaps Goliath as well.

Drawn by Alex Ross?

You don't accept the 17 years of X-Men movies as X-Men movies?

Legion is ambiguous enough that they could work it into the timeline if and when they want to.

It would be interesting if this takes place in the old timeline. It could be the build up to the 'bad future' we see in Days of Future Past.

I think it will be quite helpful to have watched Iron Fist first since it introduces a few characters that will be in Defenders and expands on some stuff that had been set up in previous MCU/Netflix shows and will be a major part of Defenders.

Iron Fist just needed much better fight choreography and, like all the MCU/Netflix shows, a few less episodes.

Oh yeah, but it felt like they couldn't commit to having the bad guys as the bad guys.

Nice idea to mix it up a bit.

Interesting. They could, in theory, introduce Doom going crazy in his own country and then have a team of X-Men pop up! Have it all part of the X-Men Universe and don't even bother with the F4.

I'm intrigued for this one, I hope it really is a Doctor Doom film and maybe doesn't even feature the Fantastic Four at all. Have we had a Superhero film that was all about the Villain before? All I can think of is the underrated MegaMind.

But since those villains have already had a least one film to develop previously it means they wouldn't need to spend much time introducing them etc.

Plus Thanos will have one or more Infinity Stones so will hopefully be doing crazy stuff with that.

I was hoping we would see previous villains return under Thanos' control - Red Skull, Ronan, Abomination, maybe someone from Thor3.

I assume Syd is a Pink Floyd reference but is "We should get out more" a reference to a different secret message? It reminds me of one but can't place it.

Good. Deathstroke would've been pretty dull.

Plus he is called Ulysses Klaue.

Black Panther has a whole new country/society/culture to explore though.
