
I've been done there. It was a bit creepy by the end so can't imagine three days would be very pleasant.

It was fine.

That could be great. Maybe have Vision in a coma after Thanos takes the Mind Stone from his head? Ant-Man and Wasp travel inside him to try to revive him.

Exactly my thinking but I didn't make it clear - seems the best route for this film to take.

I don't know what this is!

Still holding out for a Fantastic Voyage/InnerSpace approach for this film, with Ant-Man & Wasp exploring the Quantum Realm - the perfect antidote to the universe-spanning Infinity War.

The New Mutants synopsis/concept sounds great - love that Fox are exploring different genres with Deadpool, Logan, Legion and now this.

I approve!

The cast has got too crowded, stripping it right back (if only for part of a season) would be a welcome change.

I would love at least part of next season to be about Team Flash without Barry. We could see how Wally is getting on, plus his girlfriend can come to this Earth to help him. Then there's Cisco and Gypsy on tech & vibe duties while also trying to be a couple. The bad guys of the week can be new villains created by the

I would love at least part of next season to just be Arrow & Son with everyone on the island seemingly dead.

What's wrong with sucking butts?

Her first album is excellent but the next two are very one-note. Some good songs but it all blurs into one. Hopefully the next one mixes it up a bit.

Guardian should join the Legends of Tomorrow - which could also set up Superman showing up.

:) Just playing.


Maybe Joss' involvement will turn out being a sort of polish that keeps Snyder's film intact but just corrects some little issues and makes it the best version of this take on the JL?

The secret has died with him now…


Sigh…please stop replying to me Biff.