
Destiny 2, Black Fatebringer.

The former photo had nation-wide impact. It caused laws to be passed that regulated fire escape standards. The latter photo is one of the photos that convinced me to become a photojournalist.

Oh please, now we’re really stereotyping. I could tell you a story about a person who was completely incompetent. That person even was brash enough to put in their resume they were fluent in French, when that same person did not speak more than ten words of French. Then that person obviously set out to be such a

And what I hated was the editors who had no clue on what it was like to be out in the field every day, banging your head against the world that resisted your efforts to do the news, and would pull rank simply because they could, no matter how bad their editorial judgment was.

Right and if he was a woman, nobody would have thought twice about his gay references. The fact of the matter is, he is either a master of subtlety, or he is a self-deluded, and self-destructive, fool. He seems too smart to be the latter, but I’m open to any interpretation that proves correct.

Irony challenged-folks need to read easier pieces.

Dada. Figure that out and it all becomes clear. He’s not homophobic. He’s calling out homophobes.

I just read his piece before finding this one. And I read the send-up of the Atlantic writer and other obsequious toadies to the Clinton campaign as well.

Don’t buy it. They’re getting out of the camera business.

Don’t buy it. They’re getting out of the camera business.

Who indeed. They aren’t that important, or we’d know. How about some good old fashioned copy editing? Sure, leave their names out of the lede. But get it in before the freaking comments!

Actually, a recent review I read was saying Apple’s router is the fastest out there outside of high-end IT routers. But that was by a guy who reviews IT gear, not consumer gear. So who knows? It really is the easiest to manage if you have OS X or iOS devices. And it’s faster than your cable provider’s bandwidth

Actually, a recent review I read was saying Apple’s router is the fastest out there outside of high-end IT routers.

For the record, I ordered one the minute the store reopened.

A much shorter list. What did they get right?

You couldn’t pay me to use one.

You couldn’t pay me to use one.

TWENTY PERCENT! The trend seems to be most people USE the technology in their cars!

Problem is, they’re still Fire tablets. Who needs that junk? Bezos already gets too much of my business.

Problem is, they’re still Fire tablets. Who needs that junk? Bezos already gets too much of my business.

Really? No mention of Meridian’s device? Shouldn’t call these the best without qualification.

This airplane needs to be put back in service. But the tools to make them are gone. Truly sad that the genius who spearheaded this plane (and so many others) is gone. The fact that we can’t design a plane now that could even come close says a lot about the age we live in. The pioneers seem to be missing.

I use the Sandalwood shaving cream with a badger hair brush. Wonderful stuff!

I use the Sandalwood shaving cream with a badger hair brush. Wonderful stuff!

Hipsters gotta hate.